
Why won't they let me volunteer?

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I've called a local Vet and asked if I could volunteer my time there. They told me to bring in a resume and that they'd get back to me. I don't understand why they won't let me volunteer there. It's not like they have to pay me for my services! I'm trying to get experience for my future career. I was thinking that maybe they just don't have anything for me to do?




  1. let me say this. in the long run they will miss out on a bright kid you will go places.hang in their.

  2. A vet is not the same thing as an animal shelter.  The vet runs a business - they may not have the time to donate to training an inexperienced person, and they may not need much help.  Also, they are liable for any mistakes you might make, so they are reluctant to trust anyone who doesn't know what they are doing.

    Try your local animal shelter (SPCA, Humane Society, etc).  They are always eager for volunteers, regardless of experience or background.

  3. Have you already taken in your resume? Did they call back and say no? (Sorry,  this wasn't clear.) If not, it doesn't mean they won't let you volunteer! Usually they just want to know that you have *some* sort of volunteer or work experience to show that you're responsible and dependable.

    But that said, I used to volunteer at a vet clinic and also had to send my resume. (This is very normal with a lot of different volunteer "jobs".) I had to call around to a few different vet offices before I found (A) a vet that took volunteers and (B) a vet that didn't have a wait list for volunteers! They may have too many people volunteering right now.

    There's a LOT for volunteers to do in a vet's office. The one I worked at was neat because you could work your way up to doing some really cool things, like restraints during patient visits or blood/urine tests, actually doing the blood/urine analysis, etc. Many of the vet assistants there had been volunteers at one point.

    Try some other vet clinics. You should contact as many as you can because you'll up your chances of getting a posotion.

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