
Why won't they make an NCAA Football playoff system?

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Just wondering if anyone can give me a good reason. Im tired of the BCS, and, I'm tired of a certain team playing in and losing the championship every year.




  1. I cant give you a reason but I really think they should make them a playoff system. I mean some of these guys are going to learn that it not that easy to win a championship if they make to the NFL. They gotta learn how to work harder to get to tht championship game.not just just be picked to play in a bcs championship game

  2. because if there was a playoff system, then the SEC would win the national championship every year.  

  3. They won't have playoffs becuase they know if they do then the Blackeyes will never win a BCS Championsip again.... playoffs are needed  

  4. Greed. Too much money in Bowl sponsorship.

  5. Because the NCAA makes millions in corporate sponsorship with all the bowl games...In a word, its all about money

  6. Because people say playoff and they think an 8 or a 16 team tournament.  All that is needed is a plus one game.  Personally, I don't really care either way.  For the most part, there are generally two teams at the end of the year who deserve to be there.  Sometimes #3 or #4 have a legitimate argument too.  A plus one system or a four team playoff could solve this.  Heck, it could even be integrated into the current bowl system.

  7. ugh why do u still watch it if u don't like it? u should boycott it!

  8. It's only a money deal. The big schools have the money. Money talks and bull**** walks. I say go with a playoff system!

  9. Because it still won't legitimize the champion at the end of the year. Think of it this way: The Giants won the Super Bowl and (other than Giants fans) nobody thinks they're a legit champion. "They got lucky". What if "that certain team" which is probably named The Ohio State University "gets lucky" and wins the playoff? Then what will you say?

    The 2 main reasons we wont see a playoff are financial concerns and logistical problems. The sponsors, the conferences and the athletic programs will lose money if there's a playoff. I'm not saying I care about their pockets but that's their issue.

    If you make a playoff, how do you set it up? How many teams? What about the at-large bids? Do certain teams get "1st round byes"? The seeding is an issue. No matter what, people will not be satisfied and you'll still have teams complaining "we shoula been in the playoff, not that team over there".  

  10. 1. Money - NCAA Football will lose millions. They make a lot of money from their bowls, and it is about money.

    2. Education -  most of those players will not make it to the NFL, so they will need to work on another degree for a different career, playoffs would extend the season and interfere with academics in college.

    3. Most players will not be able to play that many games, a playoff will extend the season by at least 3 games, those are still college kids, majority of them are not as good as NFL players or even on that level

    I WOULD love for there to be a playoff system though. I wish they could find an alternate or probably give the playoff system a shot. I hate to see Ohio State in championship games, they give the SEC a good name and give those experts something to kiss up to the SEC about. Playoffs would prove that there are teams from other conferences that can smash SEC teams (Like USC for example)

  11. Lets just go to a 20 game college football schedule. The teams that play the most A-II  teams will all have better records.  Then have a 16 team playoff which would only 4 additional games. 24 games is not really too many games for the fans.  The scholar athletes are employees of the NCAA and will do as they are told.  Also, the NCAA could deny early admission to the NFL draft to make sure they have revenue raisers for the program and the coaching staff.   Man, college sports sure are great for you tough fans.  

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