i have a five year old draft cross mare who was abused and now after i've been riding her for close to a year shes really gotten better and we've made a lot of progress but....
i cannot get her to stand so i can mount from a mounting block. she acts like shes going to die no matter what i do if she can't see me. i know shes nervous and i understnad that shes scared becuase of her past but i am sick of getting a leg up everytime i want to ride her (becuase shes too tall to get on from the ground). when i bring her up to the mounting block she turns out and faces me. she does the same thing when i lunge her. We've worked on whoa-ing and stoping from the ground and while mounted but no matter what, as soon as i bring her by the mounting block she refused to stand. She walks forward, backwards, swings out, circles and gets high strung. Even if i manage to get on (the three times shes let me, or i've been fast enough to) i have to spend half the ride calming her! What can i do?!