
Why won't you vote for Obama, what are your reasons?

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  1. I am voting for Obama

  2. He basically has the same thinking as Jimmy Carter. While Jimmy has done a lot of good after his presidency, he did a lot of bad during it. We had an energy crisis and the only thing he could come up with was to conserve fuel and energy. Obama renewable energy and conservation, no new drilling. Raised taxes and the government still had a increasing debt. Obama will let the bush tax cuts expire than put in his tax cut which becomes about $800.00 higher for those making under $30,000.00 a year. Carter wanted to grow the government/ Obama wants to grow the government by 25%. By taking more money away from the economy in makes inflation. While recently it is around 5% high, but nowhere near 12% and it eventually went up around 17% in the first two years of Reagan's first term.

    For the augment that tax cuts do not help, just look at how the economy increase up to 3.4% in GDP as opposed to .09% in the first quarter.

    Basically we need strong economic policy.    

  3. His ties to people with way out radical thinking...Ayers, Wright, etc. His inexperience in executive roles. He was a community activist. His thin voting record. His tax plans...his bigger government at the expense of the "rich" is too Socialist for me. It will be a mistake...more so than if we elect McCain.

  4. He has no experience. He is not qualified. Yes, he was a senator. However, he spent all that time as senator running for president.  

  5. I will be voting for Obama...its McCain I wont be voting for.

    Do we really need another 4 years of Bush/Cheney. If you do , go for McCain.

    Once you do, dont cry about jobs, healthcare, soldiers dying in Irak starting a conflict with Russia and McCain will institute the draft...pack you bags, say goodbye to your family and go fightin iraq.

  6. His lack of executive experience. He didn't turn south Chicago into a better place....

  7. If I don't vote for him it would be b/c I had a secular particularistic mind-shattering multiple round of carnal knowledge the night before and hence I would be somewhat impaired...  If such is not the case, I shall cast me vote for Mr. O-BAMA.

  8. I would vote for Obama if I could but I am Canadian. I pray the people of America see that he is the Best man for the job. How can you trust McCain, he who left a handicapped wife for another woman when she waited six years for him faithfully, he didnt "feel" the same about her with her handicap. So he started to see another woman. He was power hungry and relying on the war vets sympathies. The woman he chose as VP is pathetic and also relying on the sympathizies of pro lifers due to her keeping the child. I also would not criticize those that aborted a child who has special needs. My aunt spent her entire life looking after her mentally child who was challenged and physical issues that he suffered  and that constantly hampered her life. She couldnt even die with peace as she didnt know who would take care of this special needs child. I am for the choice and this woman would set the country back one hundred years. If you took away the rights of abortion  you would be setting yourself back to some middle eastern countries where the womans rights are taken away. Vote Obama who will glue your country back together and bring the country back to its rightful place of respect that has been lost over the years of Bush's rule. If you dont want another WAR vote OBAMA

    He is a true humanitarian. I pray for the country of USA to open your eyes. He is not against g**s he is not against women having rights. I love the man, he will save you all.

  9. Because despite his oratory talents, he is not qualified. He has not done anything to make positive changes in his past to make me think that he will do anything in the future. Just words!

  10. The biggest reasons for me are:

    1. Pro g*y rights

    2. Pro abortion

    3. I also believe him to be a very liberal black separatist. Immature and thin skinned lacking character and back bone.

  11. As I sit here pondering it. I cannot think of one reason Not to vote Obama.  

  12. Because I'm a conservative and Obama is as far to the left as I am to the right.  As a small business owner who employs people dependent upon paychecks, I see Obama's economic plan as a complete disaster, in fact, I happen to know it is.  

  13. Well this could turn out to be a long post, but I'll try to keep it short.

    1. He has only been in government for under 180 days. That is an extreme lack of experience for someone who is supposed to lead the most powerful and diverse nation ever assembled.

    2. Social programs, namely health care. I don't like the idea that if Obama gets eleceted, a much larger portion of all the time money I work hard to earn will be taken from me. Not only will I suffer from higher taxes, he will take that extra money, and give it to people who are too lazy to work hard and provide for their families. I am only 24 years old, and if I can work hard and provide myself with health care, why can't other Americans do the same thing? I don't see how the government bailing people out of their problems, whether they be no health care, homlessness, or no job, is going to help these people achieve a better life. There is no reason to improve your situation and earn things if the government will just bail you out at the expense of those who do work.

    3. Iraq- Whether or not you support the war, over 75% of Americans supported going into Iraq, you should support the troops over there. They enlisted to protect this country, and they were sent to Iraq, regardless of how they felt about it. Obama voted against funding for the troops and that is utterly unacceptable. Even if you don't like GWB or the war, you should still do everything in your power to protect the troops. Not only that but we are there now, we are succeeding recently, with the surge, and I don't like Obama's plan to withdrawl troops regardless of conditions and only based on a timeline. The war should be scaled down and troops should be brought home, but only on a conditional basis. If we just haul out of there regardless of how things are going, things will get worse, and the Al-Qaeda currently in Iraq will have a chance to plan out attacks and do more harm.

    4. I have absolutely no reason to vote for Obama, and that is his fault. He is a very eloquent speaker. He is motiviational and uplifting, but empty. He talks about change and reform and making things better, but I have yet to hear a plan. He won't say how this change is going to come about, what exactly he plans to do, or any sort of a outline on how things will get done. Not only that, saying you are about change, and then picking one of the longest standing members of government as a Vice President, sure doesn't go very far to convince me you really are about change.

    5. He is pro-death/choice. Abortion is abhorable and giving the kid up for adoption, or being morally responsible, is always a better alternative.

    6. Congress, at this time, is controlled by Democrats. Our government works because we have a system of checks and balances. If we have a Democrat in the White House, and a Democrat controlled congress, they can push any kind of agenda they want into law without someone to say, wait a minute, this is a bad idea, and stop it.

    7. I just like everything about McCain/Palin about 100% more then I do Obama/Biden. McCain has over 20 years experience in both the military and in politics/foreign affairs. If there ever is war or another terrorist attack, he is the man I want handling things, he is the one with the experience and knowledge, and the ability to lead troops. I love his VP pick Palin too. She is an outsider, from a blue collar family like most Americans. She can give insight to what everyday people like you and me want to see happen in this country. She is tough as nails and even went against her own party and her own state's senator to stop the corruption they were promoting. She has fought against corruption by oil companies and won. She also enjoys a 80-90% approval rating in the largest state in the Union.

    8. This may be the most important. Just think for a minute. You are Osama Bin Laden, and you want to destroy America. Who do you want to be president? The guy who is strong enough to sit in a P.O.W. camp in Vietnam for 5 years and refuse release until all the P.O.W.s who were captured before you were released, or the guy who has never even seen combat and doesn't know very much about foreign affairs? I will always vote for the guy I think the terrorist would vote against.

    So much for my short post.. I could continue and would be glad to if you need. Go ahead and email me. Good Day!


    Edit: Almost forgot to mention. His career was launched in the home of Mr. Ayers, a man responsible for bombings at the U.S. Capitol building and the Pentagon. Terrorist affiliations are not what I like to see.

  14. he wants to raise taxes,,  example, capital gains  like your 401 k  after all the work you put into it, He wants to take 1/2/ I don't think so.He also proposes a new tax that would go to the united nation to feed the poor ?  I don't think so  He's also a socialist, Hes done nothing in the senate except, run for president. He has ties to black supremacists

  15. Obama has grandiose plans with no way to pay for them.  Obama is pro-choice, against the death penalty, pro-taxes, anti-military, pro-gov't programs, and inexperienced at the executive level.

  16. He's been caught being dishonest, deceitful, and unethical. It's not somebody I could trust in the White House.

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