
Why wont God help now? Why do we have to wait until we die?

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I know people in their 80's that have suffered all their lives and been going to church and praying 24/7...they said they haven't had any relief...




  1. I bet that GOD was thinking that same thing about US and our loss of faith.

  2. People are always asking, "Why does God let this happen, or why won't He fix this?"  What is the greatest gift God gave us?  Freedom.  To choose, to think, to act.  We have our own will, not dictated by Him.  He can teach or guide us, but the ultimate choice of what we do is our own.  Now, if God stepped in and made everything good, everything right....that isn't really being free, is it?  Bad things happen, sometimes for no reason, sometimes from people's choices.  And innocent people can get hurt, or suffer.  There doesn't have to be a reason for it.  It happens.  But for God to step in every time something bad happens....where would he draw the line?  And what if helping one person hurts another?  Does one person deserve more help than another?  Again, where is the line drawn?  No, in order for us be be free, have our own mind and choose our own path, God can't step in here and there to fix things.  We were put on this world, given this earth and everything in it, including the right to choose, and free will....this was His gift to us, an amazing gift....and with this gift, He said, "do what you will, it's yours......."

  3. Cant answer for anybody else but God has helped me now.  They told me I would never have kids and I cried and cried and stressed about it.  I started praying and let it go and about a year later I got pregnant no meds no anything and I believe in my heart God answered my prayers.  So I cant speak for anybody else on why God did or didnt do something but I know he helps me.  

  4. Maybe because God doesn't want everyone to know he'll solve their every little problem.

    Like, of course if he could he'd help.

    But thats like spoiling us.

    Knowing that God will help us win the lottery with numerous prayers.

    Do you get me?

    Basically, if that were to be true, then we'd abuse it, trust me.

    Trust me, those people in the 80's will have eternal relief.

    Trust in God, and don't question him.

  5. If they made it to their 80s they have been more than blessed...there are kids now a days dying from illnesses that only old people used to die from.

    As a matter of fact I recently lost a childhood friend...he was 28

  6. i am sorry you feel that way , i can say i have survived a F5 tornado and i dont belive it luck or otherwise i was in a tent at the time and a small kid i did not fully realize the power behind the tornado till i looked it up on the web god saved me he put me in that tent rather then a house sure i was on a hill when i was nearly a baby i was feed bad food and sick with sauminlia god gave me the docters and the medice top save my life all becouse something bad happens in our lives does not mean god is helping us there is a poem that fits it best called foot prints maybe you should take the moment and read that and reflect on to things god helps us when we need it not when we want it we pray to god and be faithful to what we see as his teachings and he will help us rather or not we see god himself in all his glory or rather not he comes as a homeless man that can help us does not matter what matters is god is here and he does help us with our every day lives  

  7. Because God gave us the tools to help ourselves. Everytime we have a bad year we can't blame God. His job isn't to help us and give us what we want to make our lives happy.

    Life isn't fair. People who sin may have money, power, fame and people who go to Church might get cancer and be on welfare. God is just after we die because it's how we live our lives.

    The Devil tempts people with good fortune and money, power etc to make them sin.

    Praying for a million dollars and then winning the lottery isn't how this works. We can't ask God to make our life better thats up to us. He gave us free will and life, God gave us everything. We should be happy just to be here.  

  8. I guess its just a way for people to get through the hard times. Faith.

  9. i'm not a christian but... so you can see how good heaven is idk

  10. Bah!

    Belief and hope for an "afterlife" is just a convenient excuse for believers to not do anything to create "heaven" here on Earth.  

    Perhaps the source of those people's misery could be because of all that wasted time going to church and praying to a mythical being(s) to bring them solace.

    (By the way, freedom is never predicated on what any "higher power" may or may not "give" us.  The freedom to do or not to do something is based primarily upon an individual's perception of "right vs. wrong."  Therefore, to claim that some entity of which I do not acknowledge the existence of is responsible for the supposed freedom I enjoy is pure nonsense.)

  11. Look at it this way... Would you rather spend your yrs hoping that someone it'll all come to an end and you'll live in peace or Would you rather spend your yrs knowing there's no hope for this miserable world we live in....idk, i'm not religious so i can't give you any religious speech, all i can say is even though alot of bad things have happened to me, and i mean ALOT i'm still hopeful for the future, I know everything happens for a reason and sometimes we have to suffer before we can be completely happy.  

  12. You will never know why God does what he does. It's all for an awesome reason that you and I could never fathom. Have Faith in the Lord and don't queastion his actions. The only one I know of that has ever truly suffered is Jesus Christ. Unitl you are crusified they you have not suffered. Be thankful for this is the day the Lord has made.

  13. Depends on how you see life

  14. In their 80's ?!? WOW!!! looks to me like the Lord has blessed them, they are just blinded and can't see it.

    They have breath each day. The sun is shining upon them. They can see, hear, feel, love, touch, taste, speak, and since you tell us they have been going to church, i am to take it that they know and love the Lord. The bible tells us we shall all go thru trials and tribulations. It just doesn't say WHEN...some are born with them, others in their childhood, teens, young adulthood, others when they are old...

    Then, there are those who will be, as i say, extra blessed over there, who go thru a trial and tribulation over here that lasts a lifetime, or for many many years.

    Like that saying, you reap what you sow.

    God does help now, you just have to look. the food on the table, the roof over your head, the lights to shine in your house, the love of your family, i could go on and on...

    walk by faith not by sight


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