
Why wont Israel go back to it's pre 1967 borders like the world and the UN has mandated?

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Why wont Israel go back to it's 1967 borders like the world and the UN has mandated and stop dragging their feet on a two state solution. Result. Complete end of conflict. Israel doesn't want either of these things but pretends it does so as to ratchet up tensions so that they can smash and grab with the help of the US government which has been hijacked by AIPAC.




  1. Israelis are a funny sort. They have been victimized throughout history and now they are victimizing others. They are the new n***s and they are treating Muslims like the new Jewish people. Sad but true.

  2. Wow.  That must be some good Kool-Aid.

    You know those pre-1967 borders?  Obviously, they WERE borders, right?  And the Arabs wanted to wipe the Jews and Israel off the face of the map even then.  Nothing is going to change if Israel gives up its land except that the terrorists will become bolder and more aggressive.  It is STILL their intention to completely destroy the country of Israel and every Jew in the world.

    Have you truly paid any attention to the United Nations?  Have you read through their charters and resolutions?  Have you understood the type of police state this world would be under if the United Nations were to get their way and take over the world?  

    Fortunately, the UN isn't in control of the world, and Israel not only doesn't have to give up her land but she is also entitled to defend herself against any person, group, or army who tries to take it from her or kill her people.

  3. Their pre 1967 borders could be what God gave them in the Old Testament.   They have a eternal right to that territory given to them by God himself..

  4. Because the Israeli settlers and their supporters in the government don't want to give up the extra land.

    It wouldn't settle the conflict though.  Remember that even when Israel was much smaller it was repeatedly attacked by it's neighbors and that Hamas' charter calls for all of Israel to be wiped out, not the part in violation of the '67 borders.

  5. Israel returning to pre-1967 borders will not end the conflict when there are nations and groups that have sworn to eradicate it completely from the Earth.

  6. I agree with Julie but would go a step further. Israel should retreat to the borders given to them by the UN in 1947. Ever since the 6 day war they have been slowly eating up land belonging to the Palestinians. I think Israel will never be happy until the occupy the whole of Palestine. and while they have the full support of the US there is no one to stop them.

  7. they fought hard for that land.

  8. Israel has no interest is your smash and grab fantasy. Israel did agree in 1948 to giving parts of its land to arabs, who you know as "palestinians." From 1948 these areas were occupied by Jordan and Egypt and Israel won these parts of its country back in 1967. Israel has repeatedly offered these parts of its country to your "palestinians" and they have refused every time to maintain their propaganda, pretend refugees, pretend occupation and etc. If Israel were to lay down her arms as you would like all of her citizens would be annihilated and no one would come to her defence. If the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah (never required to disarm) and her neighbours were to cease attacks, recognise Israel and seek a real peace not a hudna, than there could be peace.

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