
Why wont Mr Obama just admit what a worm his...?

by  |  earlier

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Dad was?..3 wives (that we know of) at the same time,drunken loser,Mr Obama doesnt even know for sure how many step brothers and sisters he has,in Africa and elsewhere......but Mr Obama continues to skirt the facts...why? there something more that we dont know about him?




  1. your sure to get some clueless Obama supporter saying how thats not true his dad was a devout christian now or something lol

  2. Ronald Reagan never admitted what a drunken worm his own dad was. He never mentioned how many mornings he had to step over his unconscious dad while leaving the house.

    So, your question is moot. Some people overcome bad parenting, others ask deliberately hateful questions.

  3. He has many issues about Dad and Step Dad....the true story of his Moslem teachings in jakarta hasnt been told either.....Dad WAS a worm and a drunken loser...sooner or later Mr Obama will have to face up to the facts

  4. Lets also admit that our current president was a alcoholic, and John McCain almost flunked out of the Naval Academy. Please, stop being so narrow-minded, and realize who he really is without these preposterous accusations. If he is a Muslim (even tho he's part of a Christian Church) big deal? It wouldn't make any difference at all. Stop letting the propaganda box control your little mind.  

  5. you can not blame  him  for his fathers  failing  but I think if any thing that would make  him a stronger person.  more determined to succeed  not a warm.

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