
Why wont Ouija work?

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I have made my own ouija by paper. I did exactly as I should. But it wouldent work. I was alone, but not afraid and I was very calm. Then I tried an online Ouija Board ( and I waited for 30 minutes. Nada happend. Why? And do I need to do it with someone, cause I don't have anyone to ask?




  1. Sadly it doesn't work solo, try getting two more to make a group of three.

  2. It's because its a ouija board...asking for answers from a board game is not going to accomplish anything. Try putting your faith in something more powerful.

  3. First of all you need a real Ouija board. Go in your bathroom in the dark with only candle's lit. Then concentrate real hard and it will work. It is more fun though if you have someone to play with. I'm sure you must have some friend to ask.

  4. Ouija boards typically need a spell.

    Your dwelling into witchcraft, darling, a piece of paper is not going to work unless you make it have the power of a ouija board. You don't have anyone to ask? As in you don't know any dead people? Because there is always a dead person around. Where I live, in southern texas, I live in a brand new house. Naturally, the house is not haunted because I am the only one to live in it. However, the land has a small forest on it, and if you go into this forest, you stumble into a small slave graveyeard. So it's not just houses, spirits live in everything.

    But yeah, cast a spell, and I do believe you need something to attract spirits.

    To the ignorant fools above me, try understanding something real rather than "putting your faith in something higher". If you are referring to God, than you have to believe in Satan. And as far as the registered to vote comment, fool, I hope you wreck on the way to vote.

  5. Did you put in the paper batteries the right way?

  6. A ouija board is a game meant for two or more players so it is difficult to make it work alone.  The people using the board make it work.  There is nothing supernatural about it.  It plays in your imagaination and beliefs and fears.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards.

  7. Are you serious? You REALLY can't understand why a Ouija board doesn't work?

    Please tell me you aren't registered to vote.
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