
Why wont my 5 year old stop stealing,,?

by  |  earlier

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she has stolen from stores,,and people,,she hides candy in her room,,that i told her she couldnt have,,help




  1. Forget privileges. What is HER favorite thing? Have you considered making it disappear...and then when she wonders where it went, ask her how it feels to have something SHE likes taken...I know, as parents, we're supposed to lead by example, and taking her things is not setting a good example, but while time out and losing TV time is good for some children, but it seems like she needs a more concrete loss, an actual object. I'm not saying you keep it forever (at this time!), but use it as a chance to talk about how SHE feels about being the victim.


  2. Forget privileges. What is HER favorite thing? Have you considered making it disappear...and then when she wonders where it went, ask her how it feels to have something SHE likes taken...I know, as parents, we're supposed to lead by example, and taking her things is not setting a good example, but while time out and losing TV time is good for some children, but it seems like she needs a more concrete loss, an actual object. I'm not saying you keep it forever (at this time!), but use it as a chance to talk about how SHE feels about being the victim.


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