
Why wont my Tax I.D. Allow me to get a credit card?

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I recently set up my own business. I got it incorporated (LLC) and i'm trying to apply for some credit cards in order to establish and build credit. I applied for two cards and i got declined for both on the basis that i have really poor personal credit.

Now it is my understanding that when a person has a Tax I.D. number for their own business, isn't it separate from your personal SS#

When i filled out those applications i only entered my Tax I.D.

Why did they decline me and make the decision based on my Personal Credit if i never put any person credit info on the app?




  1. A credit card is a loan. When you charge something on the card, the bank has essentially loaned you the money.

    Before a bank grants a loan, or a credit card, it wants some assurance that the loan will be repaid.  An LLC and a tax ID does not provide any assurance.

    Start a business checking account, and apply for a DEBIT card; that might be easier to get than a credit card, since you are pledging your own checking account assets.

  2. Your dealings must be personally guaranteed. Simply PG the transactions and you'll sail through.

  3. actually your tax ID is usually the same as your ss#   but not in every case

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