
Why wont my canker sore go away.?

by  |  earlier

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I have a couple canker sores on my cheek. I have been rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash and ive also tried salt water. None of them are working. I have had them for about 2 weeks. Please help. Oh and I have a retainer... i don't know if that has to do with my canker sores but...




  1. The BEST stuff is called Lysene - you get it anywhere (WalMart, etc...) in the vitamin aisle.  Take 5-6 pills a couple of times a day and you'll be noticeably better in 24-48 hours.

  2. They usually take about 10-14 days to go away.  Don't use mouthwash on them. Try disinfecting them by gargling with peroxide j& salt water. Just don't swallow any.  I've had canker sores. Mouthwash I found, only inflames canker sores worse.

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