
Why wont my computer let me install any devices!!!?

by  |  earlier

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hii, my computer is on windows xp, all the devices what i have purchased have been compatible for windows xp, when i try to install anything from my web-cam to my ipod it comes up saying its not compatible for windows xp so therefore it cant carry on the installation as it could bring harm to the computer. on my computer i'm the administrator so i don't understand why its doing these, as i follow all the instructions given to install my devices. its getting really annoying as i cant upload and songs onto my ipod and i have to do it on my uncles computer (whose computer is exactly the same as mine) can you please tell me why this is happening to it or can you please tell me how to fix it thanks x*x =]




  1. The screen that is actually coming up is most likely the Microsoft Logo Testing warning screen. Logo testing was introduced by Microsoft so that software could be tested and confirmed to be 100% compatible with the Windows operating system.

    The thing is, getting your software logo tested costs money, and most manufacturer's/publishers do not have their drivers tested. This does not mean that they will not work, just simply that the Logo test warning screen will be displayed.

    You will be able to click on an Ignore button to install the drivers anyway.

    It's a little confusing, but Microsoft had good intentions when they started the Logo facility.

    UPDATE: Based on the fact that after clicking ignore your computer reports that the devices have not been installed I would suggest that you consider a couple of things.

    There is a chance your system has a software corruption. Run a full scandisk and defrag to ensure that there are no files in unreadable sectors of the hard drive.

    It may be worth running an installation repair of Windows (using the original Windows XP media) or a fresh reinstall.


    You may also want to contact your computer's manufacturer. Without the system or access to it, there is very little more I can do to diagnose the fault.

  2. Go to the website of the manufacturers, and see if there any updates that you can download, that will make your hardware compatible. You might also find it useful to contact their support section

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