
Why wont my dog do it?

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My female dog is in heat but wont have s*x. I want her to have puppies but she doesnt seem interested in the other dog. He follows her around and seems to like her, but she doesnt let him get close. She just sits on the couch looking at him, and he waits on the floor looking at her.

She's a small poodle, and i dont know what he is. The only time she would let a dog get close to her is when its a BIG dog. Like once i took her to a park and she was in heat and this golden retriever kept almost getting on top of her but i kept breaking it up because he was too big for her (i think - she was SO much smaller than him!) but she kept going back.

Totally confused. Is it just me or does my dog reject small dogs? Why is she not getting it on with the dog we have over here right now? i mean my when my cat was in heat i swear she'd let anything do her lol




  1. Please don't breed your dog. There are millions of unwanted dogs and puppies all around the country. Go to a shelter near you and see what you would create. I'm glad she won't accept the male and I won't tell you what to do to make it happen.


  2. So what you are telling us is that your dog is smarter than you.  She apparently wants to be spayed and not have to deal with having a bunch of mutts running around.  Why don't you just have the dog spayed.

  3. Are you bringing the male to the female or the female to the male? If you're bringing the male into the female's territory, you're won't have as much success. She will be more interested in protecting her space than in mating. The males don't care about territory when they smell the female in heat.

    I recommend you do some research on mating dogs before you start the process. Make sure you speak to a vet and have good information. It's a lot of work and money to bring healthy pups into the world and there are already so many without homes. Make sure you're making your dog have puppies for the right reasons.

    Good luck.

  4. I congratulate you for contributing to the millions of cats and dogs in shelters who no one wants or has homes for.  I congratulate you for not caring about the thousands that are euthanized each day.  I suggest you go in yourself and put the dogs and cats to sleep, since you seem to care that much about them.

    FYI letting your poodle mate with a larger dog will probably kill her.  Golden Retriever dogs can't grow inside a Toy Poodle.  They'll kill her.

    Smarten up.

  5. your poodle has the right idea no breeding.  

    can you really have pups. afford the cost and give them away? millions of pups and dogs are homeless due to breeding.  

    if your dog doesnt want to breed dont force her.  

  6. Maybe she doesn't like him, get another dog. Maybe later in her heat season she would let him get close. If not, find another dog. Make sure you have good homes for all the puppies.

  7. This is not a funny situation!

    Your dog is smart. She could get killed!

    You need to get your dogs spaied. This is a big problem.

    FIX IT

  8. This is really horrible.  Why on earth do you want to make puppies?  Do you have any idea how bad the overpopulation problem is?  Neuter both dogs now.

  9. Um, your dog is smarter than you are. If you allow her to mate with another dog that is bigger than her, it can be fatal.  Every REPUTABLE breeder knows that you mate a male that is 25% smaller than the female.  It is common sense.  Get them both fixed and take a visit to a shelter if you want pet quality pups.
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