
Why wont my dog look me in the eye?

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hes 2 ive had him since he was a puppy he has no behavioral problems or anything i was just wondering when i look him in the eyes he looks but ALWAYS after afew seconds looks away like hes trying not to look at me




  1. When animals stare at each other in the eyes, it usually means they are about to fight. He probably doesn't feel comfortable being looked in the eyes

  2. My very first question to you is "Is this your dog from the start or did you get it from someone else after it was 2 or 3 years old?" That could account for a lot of things being strange. Previous abuse (deliberate or in ignorance) can be deeply ingrained in an animal's memory.

    If that is not the case, just consider that there is a clear matter of dominance here between animal and owner.

    The owner must be the boss . . . but in a kind and loving way.

    There are some marvelous tips available from the TV Program "Good Dog." I believe you can do a channel search and find it available either early Saturday a.m. or Sunday a.m. I forget, for I haven't watched it for a while.

    The host of the program can correct (lovingly and gently) absolutely any animal misbehavior and will also explain dog psychology that is very valuable to a dog lover.

    It's really worth your time to search out "Good Dog" on TV ... he's wonderful with dogs.

  3. For dogs and many other animals, staring directly into another's eyes is seen as a challenge - they're up for a fight. Your dog probably sees you as leader of the pack and likes you a lot. Don't worry!

  4. either its scared of you, or it has done something bad. try to figure out the problem for a better relationship

  5. staring into a dogs eyes is confrontation in doggy language!!

    why do you want him to look into your eyes?

    to make him think it is a nice thing make him 'sit'

    look him in the eyes & smile

    (smile also = confrontation in the doggy world, but you will be teaching him itys a good thing!)

    say 'good boy!!!' lots of fuss and praise and treats!

    after about 15trys he will learn that smiling and starting = fun and treats!

    simply as that really :)

  6. First off, he has a very small brain, and short attention span as a result. Also, if you're trained him right, your seen as alpha in the pack, so he's not going to lock eyes with you because you might see that as a challenge.

  7. my dog looks at my eyes all the time.i have a basset and she lays down and head is on the floor, but eyes are up, and she looks like shes gonna kill me. basset owners know what im talking about

  8. hhmmm.. maybe you have an autistic pup there?

  9. he is letting you know that he is submissive to you.  you are the

    alpha male

  10. Dogs dont like to look people in the eyes because they see it as a confrontation.

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