
Why wont my girl parakeet give birth?

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do parakeets lay eggs? if so ive been trying to make my parakeet give birth but it didn't work! am i doing anything wrong?




  1. if you dont no the diff. between a bird and a mammal u need to read some books on birds

  2. are you being serious? because if you are, someone should call your local ASPCA division.

  3. Yeah they lay eggs. Haha.

    Well... Did she.. you know what a guy parakeet? That may be the problem. Lol

  4. WOW

  5. Parakeets need time to get to know each other before starting a nest. For many birds courtship can last over a year. Be patient and give them time to get to know one another.

    Make sure they have plenty of toys, a large cage, and plenty of food pellets. The most common cause of death among companion birds is vitamin A deficiency because seeds are low in vitamin A. This is why it is important to give your birds leafy green vegetables, carrots, and bird pellets. Also when buying pet food the claim "nutritionally complete" doesn't actually mean anything. You want one where the AAFCO statement says that it has been shown by feeding trials to provide adequate nutrition. In the mean time read more books about parakeet breeding. The local library may have some references on the subject.

  6. If you don't know the basics of avian reproduction, you should not be trying to breed your parakeet in the first place. It takes months, even years for two parakeets to get to know each other and become comfortable enough to become mates. It also takes time for a new bird to get used to its environment in general. You cannot just stick them together and think they'll automatically want to breed. They also need an appropriate nesting facility, a high-nutrient breeding mix (regular birdseed will not do, both the female and the chicks will be very unhealthy if they don't have the necessary extra nutrients), and of course, time. The environment around them needs to be set up correctly as well. Temperature, lighting, etc. need to be set up in such a way as to simulate springtime so that their biological clocks know it's time to rear the brood.

    And even if they do try to raise offspring, what happens if they neglect the babies, because they are too inexperienced? This is why it is so important that YOU know what you're doing--you'll need to know how to weigh the babies to make sure they're all getting enough to eat, and you'll either need a good avian veterinarian or a local bird breeder who can show you how to hand-feed them--or, preferably, feed the babies themselves. It is very dangerous to try to hand-feed baby birds--if the formula is too hot it will burn their throats, too cold and it will make them sick; if it is too thick they will have problems getting it down and digesting it, and if it is too runny that will also make them sick, or they could choke on it. A bird's throat is also divided down the center, with one half being the esophagus and the other the wind pipe--if you accidentally put the food down the wrong side, the bird will choke to death.

    There's no need for you to breed your bird in the first place. If you insist on doing so, I really recommend you do your research first. Your bird's happiness, as well as the happiness of her mate and any offspring they might raise, hangs in the balance. Be a responsible owner and make sure you know what to do before you need to do it.

  7. Hi,

    Normally a single pair will not breed they need at least another two pairs to stimulate them as budgies like the group atmousphere and need this to spur them on.

  8. I had the same problem with my lovebirds.

    You should try reading some of these sites:

    Good Luck!

  9. 1. Birds don't give birth.

    2. You're a perfect argument against homeschooling.

    3. Apparently you're mistaking mating for "giving birth". See #2.

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