
Why wont my ham run on her wheel no more?

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she gets a good diet a good home and i take her out and play with her she normally sometimes would run on her wheel juring the day but now i never see her run on it she just sleeps (shes not dead she coems out to eat)




  1. it is very normal that a hamster does that. Sometimes hamsters are fed up of their wheel and usually as most hamsters age then will use the wheel less you there is nothing to worry about.  Just make sure that you entertain her with toys like tubes etc and maybe the link below could help you in providing hits for hamster home made toys :)  

  2. She probably got bored of it OR

    Since hamsters are nocturnal, they come out at night and run all they want

  3. It's usually rare to see hamsters running on their wheels during the day since they are nocturnal.  Your hamster may be running on it at night though, since that is their daytime.  My hamster use to start running on her wheel around 9:00pm and would go on and off it until the morning.

  4. How do you know she isn't up at all at night while your asleep?

    Hamster's are nocturnal, they are active at night. Which means while you are sleeping you hamster is getting her exercise.

    Other questions...

    How old is she?

    She might be getting older and slightly more lazy, hamsters have a very short lifespan.

    Is she bored with the wheel?

    Maybe your hamster has grown bored with the wheel and sleeps instead. If you have a hamster ball, let her roam in that for awhile to allow her to exercise some and be out of her cage.

    **As much as I love getting these extra points, there is no need to post the same question twice in less than 10 minutes. It doesn't make us want to answer it anymore than the first one did.**

  5. maybe shes gotten tired of her old wheel, try gettin a new one?

    Or i dunno, odd , cuz they always go on their wheel.

  6. maybe its getting old

  7. well hamsters are nocturnal so she

    usually runs on it at night when your sleeping.

    and sleeps all day while your awake.

  8. My hamster used to not run on his wheel at all, so I just took it out. I don't know if I should had, but it did not seem like he minded. I put him in his Hamster Ball sometimes.

    My hamster was really lazy, so he never wanted to do much.

  9. the older hamsters get, the less active they become, it could be that your hamster is getting older (also the furry little fella may run on it at night).

    How old is your hamster? I had a hamster and i did notice a significant difference since when i got it it was very active and then i guess it matured a bit and so it sleeps alot more. So if your ham ham is no on its wheel anymore, don't worry, its just maturing! Normal hamsters do sleep alot and come out to eat! Just give attention to him/her at nightime when they are most active.

    No matter how old they get, they will always appreciate your love!

    Good luck!

  10. Maybe she just likes to run on it late at night when you don't see her. My hammy starts running at 10:30 every night and sleeps in the day and by the ways hamsters are nocturnal!

  11. he older hamsters get, the less active they become, it could be that your hamster is getting older (also the furry little fella may run on it at night).

    How old is your hamster? I had a hamster and i did notice a significant difference since when i got it it was very active and then i guess it matured a bit and so it sleeps alot more. So if your ham ham is no on its wheel anymore, don't worry, its just maturing! Normal hamsters do sleep alot and come out to eat! Just give attention to him/her at nightime when they are most active.

    No matter how old they get, they will always appreciate your love!

    If you go to bed around 11:00 or 12:00 sometimes hams are just embarrsed to be seen running on there wheel when there 4 months or older scientists have proved that sometimes hams think they look "stupid" tho we do the same we run on tredmills

    hope i helped


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