
Why wont my horses win?

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Why wont my horses win?




  1. It is the nature of the horse player.

  2. cause they're lazy lame asses !

  3. Apparently you are wagering on tne wrong horses!

  4. you must 1st pick the winning horse.

  5. You are probably betting on the horse with the best odds. This works only every once and a while. What you need to do, is to watch the pre-race. This is when they are parading the horses, saddling them and warming them up. What you want to look for, is a horse with his ears up, but not prancing around like an idiot. Look for the spring in their step, but watch for the horses that have ears back or just look mad.

    But another factor is the horse's background. You need to know the distance of the race, and see if the horse is a sprinter or is a distance horse.

    Don't always bet the favorite.

  6. it could be the trainer and they are not training you horse well or it could be the jockey. its not the horse!!

  7. because ur horses are not able to win

  8. Get yourself a successful system, and stick with it.

    I do!!

  9. Well, do you mean that you own race horses and they are not winning, or your betting selections do not win.

    If it is the former, then change trainer as the one you have is not doing a very good job for you. Having said that, I recall  one trainers response to a prospective buyers enquiry as to how long it would be til it won, it was "he won't win a race as long as he has got a hole in his a.. but you will more than pay for his keep with the information I give you".

    If it is the latter, then you need to change your method of selection.. maybe take a few of the tips that appear here on Saturdays.

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