
Why wont my parents let me grow up i am 13 for crying out loud ?

by  |  earlier

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i have two sister ones 5 ones two they treet me like them the 5 year old has already watched a pg 13 movie




  1. I'm sure you probably were hoping that you wouldn't get any parents answering but as the mom of a 13yr old boy, going through the same feelings you are right now, I'll tell you why:

    You still don't always make the wisest decisions, and we see that.  Sometimes its hard to trust that you will do the right thing.

    There's so many bad influences in the world right now, and you're already struggling with "becoming a teenager" and learning who your are, the last thing we want to do is "feed you to the wolves" for lack of a better term".

    We already see too many kids growing up too fast, that we're bound and determined that won't happen to you.  Being grown up is a lot harder than you think.

    And finally, we really do love you, and want only the best for you, but as we struggle to decide what you're really ready to handle, be patient with us as we let our first born sons go through all the growing pains of growing up and we go through the growing pains of letting go.

  2. if you were my kid you wouldn't even be on the computer unsuprvised  asking questions in a public forum.  So count your little blessings.

  3. Sorry to not agree with you but YOU ARE ONLY 13!!! Don't try to grow up to fast, enjoy your youth. Plus when I was 13 my mother would only let me on the computer to go to Barbie online, or and stuff like THAT, AND she would be in the same room to make sure I wasn't going on sites where strangers could contact me (ahem)

  4. omg you're thirteen, you're a child by anyones definition. Go play and be a kid.  

  5. they think your still little which in the real world you are.  

  6. I take it you're the oldest? Your parents will let you grow, but it will take time for them to let go. Have patience, they will let go in their own sweet time!

  7. there scared they dont want you to grow up,its a scary world and they already experienced it and they know what it has to offer and whats it awaiting...........

  8. well probally cus they dont want you to grow up. Parents will always see their kids as babies. Just try to be more mature & responsible

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