
Why wont my rat move a lot?

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My rat Harry is about 1 year old and his healthy but one morning i noticed he wouldn't move much. I don't know how he got go sick in one night but he looks like hes very ill. He can move but only very slowly and with trouble. I think hes having trouble moving his back legs and seems to drag them. He was fine and had no issues the night before he got sick. He also has some blood it looks like around his eyes when he became sick. We went to the vet to see if they could see whats wrong but they couldn't find anything wrong with him. They only gave him a quick exam, no x-rays or blood tests. Please tell me if you think you know whats wrong and how to help




  1. If he's lethargic, having trouble moving, and has porphyrin around his eyes, there is definitely something wrong.  Did you describe all these symptoms to the vet?

    It's possible the rat looked healthy and normal at the vet's because of adrenaline (unfamiliar environment, stressful situation) - it can make a rat look bright-eyed and alert.

    You should read through this website, it lists different rat illnesses.  It may help you find out what's wrong.

    Also, if you can find other vets in the area, call ahead to see if they have specialists who see rats often.

    Finally, I can't really tell from your question, but I hope Harry isn't being kept alone.  Rats are happiest when they have ratty companions!

    Best of luck, I hope he recovers soon!

  2. Take him to another who knows what he/she is doing!  If you're noticing something wrong, then there obviously is.

  3. Ewwwwwwwwwwww i'm sorry  xox

  4. Probably dead but doesn't know it yet

  5. I would take him back to the Vet and MAKE them do a blood test/xray or whatever you want. I mean your paying for it right? they should find out what is wrong with your rat otherwise if they wont make the effort to help your rat i dont feel like you should pay that bill. Its their job to find out and make him feel better.

  6. Really good of you taking him to a vet! a lot of rat owners don't think its worth it.The thing is a lot of vets don't know much about rats and their care and often diagnose them wrong. Maybe you could find an experienced rat breeder around to talk to. It may depend from where you got him. maybe he is interbred. Maybe there is something he is eating.  Citrus is bad for males and causes cancer.

    im soooo sorry... i hope he gets better!

  7. Did your rat have any recent falls?  It's possible that there might be some nerve damage.

    He just might be so ill that it's just making him super lethargic.  If that's the case, I'm surprised your vet didn't prescribe some antibiotics.  It's really hard to say what's wrong without further symptoms.  I definitely would recommend getting on and looking at their pages on rat health.  They cover a lot different health issues with rats that might be able to help you pin down what your rat has.

    Lastly, find a new vet.  It sounds like you need a second opinion.  If you are unsure where you should go, call your local humane society for a referral.  Never feel like you can't speak up either.  If you would like them to run a blood test, or anything, tell the vet.  You're paying for it, so get the care you desire.  You would know the best if something's wrong with your rat.

    Hope that helps and good luck with your buddy!

  8. poor little rat x*x  sounds like it has something very wrong with it.     keep it  warm   xxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. that "blood" is actually porphyrin which is caused by stress. i think your rat may feel cramped and i would consider getting a bigger cage. that might make him more active and it will definitely get rid of some of the stress.

  10. sick, fat or pregnant

  11. possibly pregnent? it could be a girl u no

  12. I think somebody sit on him.

  13. well the vets say that he is fine and there is really not to much you can do if the vets don't know continue to treasure the cute rat :)

  14. give him veges

  15. i think you should take him to the vet again, say that im not leaving until you find out whats wrong with your ginea pig, good luck!

  16. mabye its just really FAT

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