
Why wont my son sleep unless his face is covered?

by  |  earlier

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He is 6 months old, and he only sleeps with his face covered. If he has a blanket, the blanket ends up over his face. If he has a toy in his crib, the toy ends up covering his face. I've tried leaving him with nothing in the crib - and in that case he sleeps on his stomach and rubs his face on the sheet. I have a video monitor so I watch him throughout the night, and I always get up to uncover his face - but he just wakes up and covers it back up. Why does he do this? And is there anything I can do about it?




  1. wow we have the same problem! reece is almost 5 months old. he has a cudly elephant he takes everywhere. and he covers his face with it. i hate him doing it, but whatevers about he uses to cover his face. i havnt a clue why he does it, but it makes everyone really nervous

  2. Brady does that too. Even when I bring him into my bed, he buries his face in between the mattress and pillow. I don't know why babies like to do this but hey, it lets them and me get a good night sleep (most of the time I should say)

  3. my mom tried to break me and i still sleep with my face covered.. for 32 years

  4. Is he ugly??

  5. it's perfectly fine!  at 6 months old, he's fully capable of flipping over if he's uncomfortable.  when i put my son down for a nap or for the night, i have to throw his blanket over his face.  he likes the waay it feels on his face, and he cuddles with it for a minute until he falls asleep.  i've been doing that since he was about 5 months old.  now he's 1 and still loves it!  don't worry about's just a security thing.  i had a friend who used to need to rub cotton between her fingers to fall asleep when she was a baby.  to this day i still wiggle my toes and fete when i'm ready to fall asleep.  every baby has something...yours and mine like their faces covered.  it's not a problem.

  6. baby are silly they do little things sometimes that we think is so awlful or crazy.I am a mother of three and they are grown up from toddler age.I can say that at 6 months old your baby sould be fine this is only a security spell he or she is going thru.The blanket over his face is like a security feeling when he is going to bed.A comfort easy feeling.To his face.My kids done the same thing.Also when you feed them there bottle they would hold on to my hair for security...He will probley grow up doing the same thing over and over because thats what comfronting him is his security blanket......

  7. If you're putting him on his back to sleep, and he's rolling over onto his tummy, then it's fine to let him sleep on his tummy.   I'd recommend that you continue down that road--put him in the crib with no toys or blankets, and allow him to roll over if he wants to.  He probably has just developed a self-comforting habit with having something against his face, which sounds normal to me although sleeping with something *over* his face is not safe since he could rebreathe too much carbon dioxide.

    You may also want to try a SleepSack (link below). I've used them with my little one from the beginning.  It provides the warmth of a blanket but is practically impossible for him to pull over his face. They sell them all over; I got mine from Babies R Us.

  8. seriously, not safe at all. stop this now. you cannot watch him when you are sleeping. id rather he was crying all night than sleeping with a blankie on his face. just stop putting any loose blankets in the crib, or anything he can pull over his face.

    seriously, you need to stop this now.

    i dont use cry it out either. but i know a woman whose infant done this, then he started rolling over and the blanket got wrapped round his face. and well, the worst happened.

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