
Why wont my step dad get a job?

by  |  earlier

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My stepdad got fired from his job in April. He says he was fired for going too slow on his production line. He currently collects unemployment but that runs out in December. Now he does nothing but sits around in his chair and watches television and mows the lawn. My mom has tried several times to help him get a job. She has even done his resume for him. Whenever she points out a place that is hiring he has a reason why he can not work there. He won't go out to look for a job claiming that he's and i quote "waiting on Jesus". I have even tried to help him find a job. My friend's mom is a manager at walmart and she was looking for someone to work in the shoe department. She practically said if he came in and filled out the application she would give him the job. I told him about it all he did was grumble. His excuse for not going in for the interview was that he was going to try and collect social security. This is ridiculous because you have to be at least in your sixties to collect Social Security. Well i was like fine maybe they will let him have it early. He has yet to fill out the paper work because he expects me and my mother to do it for him. My mother thinks maybe he got fired for another reason and he knows will be brought up when he goes in to get another job. I think that he is just lazy. What do you guys think? Why won't he get a job?




  1. Yep, he is lazy.

    I used to be with a guy like that. He would not get a job. Every time I saw a hiring sign, or someone offered him a job, he would have an excuse. Even when it came to household chores, he would pretend he was sick so he didn't have to do it.

    The rules for unemployment state that you HAVE TO actively look for a job, and get "x" amount of applications in per week, or you could lose your unempolyment.

    Threaten to call unemployment on him. That will get his butt outta that chair. lol

    Oh, and you can get your social security when you are under 60. That is, if you are disabled or have worked a buttload of years. Social security is gonna deny his application 2 or 3 times, they do that with everybody.  But when he applies, it can take up to 2 years for him to start getting his SSI checks. Does he realize that it can take that long?

  2. Take it from someone who has been there and done that.   Don't waste your time and energy helping this guy get a job.

    If he wanted a job he would get one.  He wants to wait until his unemployment runs out and then hopefully he will look.  

    Bottom line is ulgy.   You can not force him to do something he does not want to do.   Say that 100 times until you get it.   Otherwise you will waste your time doing everything you can and get frustrated and just waste your time.   Sorry, wish I had better news.

    Could also be he is depressed and could use some professional help.

  3. he is probably waiting for his unemployment to run out.  if you believe he was fired for another reason,  do some investigation on your own.  do you know anyone who worked with him.  they will know why he was fired.  talk to him about it.  maybe he is sick.  

    if he was a person that always worked, and now stopped something is wrong.  try to find out what it is.  talk to him kindly and he may come out with the problem.

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