
Why wont she listen?

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My mum and i do not get along anymore. I feel i cant talk to her because she just wont listen and always thinks she is right. She treats me unfairly compared to my sister (my sister has a horse and my mum pays for it) My sister does not deserve this as she has no respect for anyone and talks to everyone like ****. I have told my mum this and she just tells me to shut up what can i do?




  1. She's a woman what do you expect.

  2. First you have to let go and not make any comparisons with your sister. How your mum treats her is up to her - make the focus your relationship with your mum, not as a comparison with your sister, who quite frankly sounds like a nightmare! I know, I have one of them too!

    Try and start of a little chat with your mum by saying you want a better relationship with her and tell her how you want it... things like, you want to be able to talk to her and tell her how your feeling about things without being told to shut up. That maybe just the two of you could spend some time together and go shopping or cinema.

    Little steps at first, but keep going, she may eventually hear what you are saying.

  3. god what a cow thank god my mom treats her kids equal  

  4. Nothing

    Really al i can advise is to get on with your life and try and make her see the ood things you do!

    And when your mother finally stops fundin your sisters life then learn respect for things including moneyand become a much nicer person

    good luck  

  5. just prove to ur mom that u re the best....

  6. learn to kiss her ***

  7. well. honestly i'm sorry to say but this an extreme case of favortism. where a parent favorites another child over her other children by giving them un needed gifts, being a friend to that child not a parent, showing more love to the other child, and ignoring you. and most of the time they dont even know they do this. well you could ignore her and only talk to he when you HAVE to or you can talk to her about it but talking doesnt seem to work with her. she'll regret this later on in life.

  8. im 15 with a younger brother he treats everyone like **** including me but stil gets everything he wants its bloody annoying!! i know how you feel me and mum have the same problems its very annoying and makes you feel as if your on your own!!

    you shouldnt have to feel like that and i know how you feel trust me my mum drives me up the wall and i feel that she doesnt understand me at all!!

    if you ever need advice or feel like you need 2 talk to someone


  9. just sit her down and talk to her honestly..try to come across as friendly advice rather then having a go

  10. hi...yar......the most inmprtant person in life is ur mother not only for u for all ..sp please dont have any anger in ur mother..please for god sake...a mother always treat her sons r daughter equal how many she has every one is equal...SHE MAY THING U R SO MATHURED TO SOLFE U PROBLEM AND THINK ON U SELF WHEN COMPARE to u sister ok.this might be the reason she is treating u like dont worry . and never create enenity  of u mother in u mind..she is very important she is needne in u life to guinde u and help u all U NEED TO DO IS TO SIT AND TALK TO HER THST U FEEL THIS WAY WHEN SHE DO SOME THING U FEEL UNFARE...THIS WILL SOLVE U PROBLEM...ALL U NEED TO DO IS GIVE A SMILE WHEN EVER U SEE HER IN U HOUSE GIVE HER A HUG..HUG HUG..THIS WILL SOLVE R U PROBLE.....OK..COOL......TRY THIS FRIEND...

  11. Well, your mother prefers your sister for any strange reason... you can´t change this, so the best thing is to grow up and concentrate on these persons who do like and respect you.

    I have seen things like this in my husbands’ family as well.

    His youngest sister is the one who can behave the way she likes and treat others like rubbish (including her own mom) from time to time, but still she is her favourite one.

    My mother in-law is not a bad woman at all, but she is very emotional and I would say that her youngest daughter knows how to blackmail her emotionally and abuses on her.

    Of course the reactions of my mother in-law are sooooo unfair and sometimes I have to force myself to keep my mouth shut… but I get angry when I see this person treating everybody like s**+**** and turning things around the way she likes and finally her mother supports her with everything, saying that WE do not understand the situation.

    My husband is the one she calls to resolve problems and my other sister in-law (who is my friend) is the one who has to stand her when she is angry and psychologically down (mostly because of the things her youngest daughter says or does) …

    I came to the conclusion that mothers who are psychologically blackmailed are not able to see the truth and they DO NOT WANT to see it either.

    No, you will not change anything… concentrate in other people and try to get the best studies as possible, so you will not depend on anybody and you can make your own life.

    Maybe once your mother realizes that she has lost you, she will find out that she did wrong and will try to make things better… but, anyway, it is better not to count on that…

    Live your life, you will have a family on your own in the future and get the opportunity to make things better…

    Stay strong and cheer up!!!!!!!!!

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