
Why wont the law allow people w/ felonies be volunteer fire fighters.I just want to help.14 yrs is a long time

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Why wont the law allow people w/ felonies be volunteer fire fighters.I just want to help.14 yrs is a long time




  1. why?

  2. firefighting is a glory seeking job reserved for those who are connected.

  3. Lack of faith.

  4. because in that line of work, you have access to people's goods. if you are putting out a house fire and see someones purse there and are a convicted felon people figure you would not do the right thing. Its a matter of trust. you did not say what kind of felony you have. I think that might make a difference. But most likely I would figure its because if you arent law abiding they are not going to trust you with the equipment or being around peoples stuff. No matter how wrong or unfair it might seem.

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