
Why wont the worlds leaders stop global warming!?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, this is our planet, these people are the leaders, why wont they do anything!? Some are, but people like George Bush arent?? Whats their problem?




  1. Get real

    stop thinking that global leaders are concerned with the public

    their motives are world domination ,and that is much easier if there were not so many people

    On a Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen in 1998 it was stated by a famous American statesman ,that the Agenda demanded a lowering of the world population of 60%.

    Translated this means the disappearance of 3 billion people from the planet ,

    The focus is on depopulation

    not on saving the people

    If Global warming results in the death of millions ,it will save the world leaders a lot of work,

    If this does not happen a nuclear war may be the best option.

    Apart from that i do not think that mere humans even collectively can stop Global warming .

    Go to church and ask why God is not doing something.

    watch,It will tell you why not

    step into the light

    it highlights used methods contra the public and remedies

    the truth shall set you free.

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