
Why wont windows messenger go away?

by  |  earlier

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I have windows messenger on my computer and i want to get rid of it because i dont use it. I tried uninstalling it but it's still there! How can i get rid of it?




  1. Windows messenger is a windows component so what you need to do is go into control panel and select add and remove programs then click on add/remove windows components.  At the bottom of the list of windows component is windows messenger.  Just click on the box to unclick it and click next.  This will uninstall the service.

  2. go to start

    control panel

    make sure you are in category veiw

    go to add or remove programs

    you can remove the program by the name of msn

    you will be removing the program at your own risk

    and i will not be responsible for any problems that can be created by you when you remove the program...

  3. I'm not sure how computer savvy you are, but if you're half way good you can perform this move on Vista as well. This link should help you.

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