
Why wont windows vista allow me into pool rooms on yahoo pool?

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Why wont windows vista allow me into pool rooms on yahoo pool?




  1. get a new mouse

  2. Simple. Get rid of Vista. In general, every OS Windows has ever made has been complete garbage. Totally copied off of the poor Finnish made who created Linux who never gets any credit. Get a Unix box, get any random Linux OS running (Preferably Xandros 4.0. Not SUSE) and you'll be fine.

    I've also noticed that when you try to play pool when you're on Windows and you use Internet Explorer (also called Internet Exploder) it doesn't work as well. If you're sticking with Windows go back to XP Home or Pro and download Mozilla Firefox as your web browser. Besides, Firefox had the tabs long before Internet Explorer did. Why, go figure....Microsoft took something ELSE from somebody.

  3. I deleted my vista it wouldn't let me do anything

    Games catagory may have the answer

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