
Why won’t this photographer work with me and my daughter?

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My sister just got done with doing some photography with one guy who is a photography student. I have seen some of his works on line. All of them were really good, especially outside picture. The way he manipulate sunlight was just breath taking. Since he doesn’t have any beautiful model or kids, I thought I’d offer him a chance to take some for his portfolio.

So my sis introduced me to him. To my shock, he says he’ll do it for a fee and I found out it wasn’t cheap at all. It was even more expensive for kid picture. When I asked him why he didn’t charge my sister, he says because he likes to work with only certain type of people. Everyone in his portfolio are rather weird, they all were a punk or Goths, but my sis simply have odd blond shade color hair and pierced lower lips and wear tattered jeans and a old shirt. He didn’t have any of super model type or anything like that.

This guy have huge potential but yet he want to charge me and he charge way more for kids pictures. I was really disappointed by this. I don’t understand why he is so narrow minded when it come to photography? What make me even madder is, he doesn’t fit in with any of the crowd in his picture. He’s a metrosexual if anything.




  1. why would you believe that a photographer should work for free?

    you obviously think you are doing him a favor by letting him take pictures of you and your family but professional photographers take pictures to earn a living. if you or your kids do not have a look that he believes he can profit from then why would he invest his time and money on you? models (especially those with no professional experience) are a dime a dozen. maybe he would rather work with professionals instead of amateurs who have the attitude of a diva.

  2. OMG!  Why don't you club him over the head and tell him he has to change his style and take pictures of you and your daughter, and by golly, they'd better be free!  Or better still, he should pay you for the priveledge of shooting your pictures!  The nerve of some people!

    And are you sure your sister posed free?  There are many ways of providing payment.  Maybe he took it out in trade.

  3. He doesn't like you. He as much as said it. AND it's HIS business.. he has the right to refuse his services to anyone he choses. AND your anger and insults are nothing but childish because you can't have your way. Get over it and find another photographer.

  4. The thing is, you describe it as if you are doing him a favor by giving him a chance to photograph you and your child at a reduced rate... when in fact, if he offered a reduced rate, it would be the other way around. He isn't narrow minded... he would take the photos for a fee, but when it comes to developing his professional image and a body of artistic expression, he has to pick and choose very carefully. You may not understand it, but that's why they say artists are temperamental. As far as whether he personifies his art, there is no reason to expect him to look like the things he photographs. Anne Geddes isn't a baby. David McHenry isn't a cat.I'm sorry you are so disappointed, but I think you'd be happier with the results if you found a photographer whose vision is more in line with your own.

  5. Well, I am not going to criticize you!   You thought you would be doing him a favor by giving him a chance to photograph normal people.  Obviously, he only likes the weird looking ones.   Don't be insulted.   Would you really want your picture in with a bunch of people who most others think look really strange?  

    I do have to agree that he has a right to photograph anyone he chooses.  Just be happy he didn't want you!    Photographers are a dime a dozen these days.   If you really want your picture taken with your little girl, I'm sure you can find someone to do it for a reasonable price.  

  6. He's an artist. He can only take pictures of what inspires him, and what inspires him are unusual people. You and your daughter just don't inspire him. Try not to take it personally.

  7. Look.  You have become enlightened about this photographer through his work.  Therefore, his photography work made you want him to use his talent on you.  Which in turn, pay him! How else does he make money.  Film, development, scanning, editing it, and printing is not a free process nor is it time friendly either.  Not to mention the man needs to eat, provide  a place to lay and keep his equipment up.

    You are the only narrow minded one on photography.

  8. because you did not provide your website for us to see your work and how good you around?

  9. because that is the work  that he wants to do, he probably would not include you in his portfolio anyhow if he in to taking pictures of punks or goths

  10. Would you do something for free?

    Do you know how much he spent on the camera(s) and lens(es)? Can you imagine that he has bills to pay (gas, food, rent, etc), too?

  11. because you arent part of his style and because you dont fit in which what he is doing you might not make it to his portfolio. THUS taking your picture could turn out to be a huge waste of time and money , that is why he charging you.

  12. Let me join the fray in adding that you have one heck (being polite) of a nerve to complain because someone won't do something free for you. What have you done free for him?

    Bet he saw you coming a mile away and ran! God bless him!

  13. "This guy have huge potential but yet he want to charge me and he charge way more for kids pictures. I was really disappointed by this."

    The nerve of this guy!!! Not only should he take the time, edit and print (out of his own pocket), he should do it for free because YOU think that this will be good for HIS portfolio. Ma'am, he's charging you because you're not going to be in his portfolio. Because you don't fit his needs. It's his time he's charging for. You're not doing him any favors.  

  14. He proberly sees himself az en artiste. Two good four ordinery fotos.

    Enyways why do yer think yer shudent pay ?


  15. There is nothing wrong with feeling the way you feel. I would be offended too if he did the same thing too me and, coming here to complain and talk about the way you feel did not help because of all of the Smart A** answers you got. There is no more nice in this world or doing something for free. Just know that he is a true A**Hole not to mention he is a student and should not be charging. He should take pictures of different types of people. Not just people that appeal to him life is variety. As for his pictures of Punk or Goths I can find those people a dime a dozen in Hollywood. Don't let this incident with an idiot get your down anymore. Hugs, Nikki♥

  16. I would love to have the chance for someone like you to offer their TFP/CD (time for photos or CD) I am always looking for people to photograph.  If you offered your self to me I would take advantage (I mean this in a good way) of the opportuinity to photograph you, even if my taste were goth.(yuck!) He missed out. He could of said sure I would love to.  and then ask you if you would'nt  mind modeling in the goth style. To have photographs of  beautiful women in a portfolio shows people that you can be trusted and you mean business when it comes to Photography. I would not worry so much about it, after all it is his lost.  I hope this helps      joephoto75@yahoo   or



  17. You were shocked that a photographer would charge a fee for taking pictures?  You were shocked that he wanted to be well paid?  You don't understand why he would turn you down?  Since you think he charges too much why would you want to hire him?  Did you think he was going to work for nothing- ahhhh yes you did, you wanted free pictures of you and your child!  And now you are upset that you didn't get that. You want free pictures, take your point & shoot and get a couple of snapshots at the park.

  18. yeah what they said

  19. Like many here have said, its nothing personal against you and your kid. Photographers take photos for many reasons. Some we take because we like the theme or subject matter, others are done to build a diverse portfolio and yes some are done for a fee to the client. I've had some people I turned down that wanted to pay me when I did not feel we could work together ( read Bridezilla ) I've even sometimes pay models that fit a look for a particular themed shoot even if it is not for a commercial shoot. Go to model mayhem or One Modelplace and you may be able to find someone that would do TFCD or TFP work with you. But its ultimately up to the photographer who they want to shoot for free ( or even for pay )

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