
Why work at a restaurant?

by Guest60061  |  earlier

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I need help with a job interview question. Why do i want to work at a resturant. please be creative.




  1. You get to see/serve all different type of people continuously throughout the day.  AND.. you get tips if your a waiter =)

  2. This is a question that I always ask potential new hires.

    Part of this has nothing to do with what you say, but how you say it.  I want to see what kind of personality you have.  Most people let down their guard when asked a question that they have to think about to answer.  

    Most people who want to work in a restaurant tell me the following things:  flexible scheduling, decent pay, fast-paced environment, interaction with a variety of different people, and discounts of food.  There is nothing wrong with being honest here.

    Do not ever say that it is because you have good communication skills.  That is the one thing that you could say and end the interview.  everyone believes that they have good communication skills, but in reality, most people do not.

  3. You enjoy food and you appreciate the experience of dining out as a valuable leisure activity. Therefore, you want to help provide the best possible experience for others who are out to have a good time and eat great food.  

    P.S. Working in a restaurant does require skills, in fact much more so than many other jobs.  You need to be a quick thinker, a problem solver, adept at handling multiple tasks at one time, social skills galore and so much more!

  4. It will help you with your people skills.  As you will meet all kinds of people.  Good luck on the job.  If you are good at your job you will get lots and lots of tips...

  5. Maybe cuz you have no skills and you need to make moneys somehow

  6. You can say, " I would like to work at .............. because I feel I can improve my communication skills with valuable cutomers and grow from it. and poosibly have a postitve impact in your company. and thingdd like that

  7. to interact with new people every day...........idk but i work at a resaurant and it freakin sucks ***!!!!

  8. because u eat for free

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