
Why would 23% of the Israeli Palestinians want to escape Democratic Israel to other countries?

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It is their homeland, 77% of Palestinians insist of resisting the racist Israeli State and not to sacrifice their home land.

But 23% can not stand it any more. They are ready to sacrifice their homes and homeland for better life where they are treated as equal citizens.




  1. israeli arabs have a very good std of living compared to many arabs living in other countries.they have great oppertunities in israel.Israel is one of the most open societies in the world. Out of a population of 6.7 million, about 1.3 million — 20 percent of the population — are non-Jews (approximately 1.1 million Muslims, 130,000 Christians and 100,000 Druze).1

    Arabs in Israel have equal voting rights; in fact, it is one of the few places in the Middle East where Arab women may vote. Arabs currently hold 8 seats in the 120-seat Knesset. Israeli Arabs have also held various government posts, including one who served as Israel's ambassador to Finland and the current deputy mayor of Tel Aviv. Oscar Abu Razaq was appointed Director General of the Ministry of Interior, the first Arab citizen to become chief executive of a key government ministry. Ariel Sharon's original cabinet included the first Arab minister, Salah Tarif, a Druze who served as a minister without portfolio. An Arab is also a Supreme Court justice.

    Arabic, like Hebrew, is an official language in Israel. More than 300,000 Arab children attend Israeli schools. At the time of Israel's founding, there was one Arab high school in the country. Today, there are hundreds of Arab schools.2

    In 2002, the Israeli Supreme Court also ruled that the government cannot allocate land based on religion or ethnicity, and may not prevent Arab citizens from living wherever they choose.2a

    The sole legal distinction between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel is that the latter are not required to serve in the Israeli army. This is to spare Arab citizens the need to take up arms against their brethren. Nevertheless, Bedouins have served in paratroop units and other Arabs have volunteered for military duty. Compulsory military service is applied to the Druze and Circassian communities at their own request.

    Some economic and social gaps between Israeli Jews and Arabs result from the latter not serving in the military. Veterans qualify for many benefits not available to non-veterans. Moreover, the army aids in the socialization process.

    On the other hand, Arabs do have an advantage in obtaining some jobs during the years Israelis are in the military. In addition, industries like construction and trucking have come to be dominated by Israeli Arabs.

    Although Israeli Arabs have occasionally been involved in terrorist activities, they have generally behaved as loyal citizens. During the 1967, 1973 and 1982 wars, none engaged in any acts of sabotage or disloyalty. Sometimes, in fact, Arabs volunteered to take over civilian functions for reservists. During the outbreak of violence in the territories that began in September 2000, Israeli Arabs for the first time engaged in widespread protests with some violence.

    The United States has been independent for almost 230 years and still has not integrated all of its diverse communities. Even today, 60 years after civil rights legislation was adopted, discrimination has not been eradicated. It should not be surprising that Israel has not solved all of its social problems in only 60 years.

  2. The fascinating article proves precisely the opposite of what the asker is claiming.

    First, note the title:

    "77% Palestinian Arabs: We like Living in Israel best"

    By Judith A. Klinghoffer

    The writer continues:

    "It is difficult to find a more neglected story than the relative satisfaction of Palestinian Arabs living in Israel as is revealed from a recent Harvard Study. Palestinian Arabs (including those living in greater Jerusalem) constitute 20% of the population. Aware of inconvenient polls which reveal that Palestinians living in Israel are vehemently opposed to becoming citizens of Palestine, the researchers did their best to lower the satisfaction number by phrasing the question so as to receive the most negative number. They asked Palestinian Arab if they would rather live in Israel or in any other country in the world.

    ". . . Israel’s Arab citizens refused to play along. The vast majority of them insisted that like Israel best.

    . . .

    "The study was aimed at examining the relations between Israel’s Jewish and Arab citizens on the State’s 60th anniversary, and included 1,721 respondents.

    "The findings also revealed that a great majority of Israel’s citizens (73% of the Jews and 94% of the Arabs) want to live in a society in which Arab and Jewish citizens have mutual respect and equal opportunities.

    . . .  "a poll carried out by University of Haifa last month revealed that 75 percent of Israeli Arabs between the ages of 16 and 22 support voluntary national service.

    ". . . once given basic information about conditions in the national service and its goals, not only were Israeli Arab youth supportive of the idea, but so were 71.9 percent of all Arab men and 83.8 percent of all Arab women.

    " . . .  ideological diatribes aside, the attitudes of Israeli Arabs demonstrate that the Jewish state is doing a pretty good job accommodating its large Palestinian minority despite the trying circumstances under which she is forced to live."

    Yes, Israeli Arabs ("Palestinians") really like living in Israel and don't want to leave.  That's the best news we've heard today!


  3. because "israel" is a hole

  4. The same reason all people come to the west, stability for their children, better job with better pay. In many countries in the West there is equality between races and sexes.

  5. Don't offend the Israeli Arabs by calling them "Palestinians" they would spit in your face if you called them that since they consider that like being called begger.

    The ones that leave, go to Western countries, not to Arab countries.

  6. I think it has to do with the "democratic" state killing babies and children with no compunction.

  7. Actually they are trying to get away from the Arabs--they tend to go to those places that have as few Arabs as possible.

  8. because the jews have a problem with Arabs regardless of their religion, the Palestinian jews feel that they are not treated as equal as any other jew that for example would be from Germany...this is the case with Moroccan jews they suffer the exact problem were they cannot find jobs or even rent a flat in israel because they are Arabs .

    the hatred between the Arabs and jews will remain to infinity

  9. They don't like the food?

    I bet a large number of those are wanting to come to North America, which is true of every other society.

    Do you think many of them want to go join up with Hamas?  Hexbo?  More like a nice civilized Muslim community like England.

  10. Those 77% enjoy living in the state of Israel, not the territory. Therefore it can be assumed that those people are satisfied with the government that they live in and are not just "unwilling to sarcrifice their homeland." The minority 23% is no more than many other states. Ask Russians how many would rather live somewhere else, and you may get around that number. The same with many countries.

  11. they're treated 2nd class citizens

  12. Some people are just like that. Not ever happy with what they have.  The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence syndrome.  Some people just need to lighten up.

    It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.  -- Sheryl Crow

  13. The conditions of the Arabs in Israel is so much better than that of the Arabs living under the Palestinian Authority that the overwhelming majority of Arabs in Israel would not dream of leaving.

    You should read what some prominent Arab commentators such as Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, general manager of Al -Arabiya television, have to say.

    In an article "40 Years: The Real Stigma" that appeared in Asharq Alawsat on 09/06/2007, he wrote:

    "Our insistence to lock the Palestinians in camps and treat them like animals in the name of preserving the issue is far worse a crime than Israel stealing land and causing the displacement of people. The 60 year-old camps only signify our inhumanity and double standards. Israel can claim that it treats the Palestinians better than their Arab brothers do. It gives citizenship to the Palestinians of 1948 as well as the right to work and the right to lead a somewhat normal life, although they are treated as second-class citizens.

    "Blame lies with the Arab League and Arab governments that took part in or kept silent about this moral scandal. Rather than seeking to help them or provide for their demands, they preoccupy Arab public opinion with conferences and hollow rhetoric on the issue and on refugees.

    "Finally, we have to be true to ourselves and ask whether the way of life of these one million people is fair."

    I hope that the asker understands that now.



  14. If you are talking about Israeli Arabs (citizens of Israel) by all means let them leave, if you are talking Arabs of the west bank and Gaza the same applies, .

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