
Why would Al Gore spend money on Global Warming commercials?

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Al has pledged to use $300 million dollars of his ill gotten income from the movie and Nobel peace prize (who says there is no money in AGW). My question is, why? Why would anyone spend any money on commercials, when every day the main stream media currently promotes AGW for free. They produce puff pieces on a daily basis which shows the "catastrophic" effects of sea rising, plagues, disease, mass extinction, and body odor. Most of the main stream media magazines have contained extensive articles (free ads) promoting Gores cause.

If having endless free advertising is not able to sway public opinion, then why pay for ads? Seems silly to me. Maybe he is doing it out of the goodness of his heart. LOL.




  1. Why do oil and coal companies spend money on commercials for a product that you have to use anyway???

  2. He is donating nearly all the money he makes toward green solutions. I guess maybe he really cares about the environment. I don't see you giving millions to help out. The earth thanks you.

  3. Well, I don't think Gore is putting up $300 million of his own money.  What I heard is that it is a $300 million campaign, and he was putting up all of his profits from "An Inconvenient Truth" and his Nobel Prize money to help pay for it.  He never said what that figure was.  That is probably a lot, but probably in the neighborhood of $20 million after income tax???  He will still make A LOT of money doing public speaking and various other appearances.  It will help raise attention.  I think it's good that he is doing this, rather than just preaching about it.  However, I have a feeling that the remaining $280 million will be coming from private donors...and tax payers.  I do agree with you that there seems to be so much hype about this already for free, but advertising can only help raise more awareness.  Personally, I think he should be investing that money to hunt down ManBearPig.

  4. Perhaps because he deeply believes in this cause, and most commercials don't come free.  Yes it's in the news alot, because of him, and people like him who believe that if something isn't done soon, it will be to late (if it isn't already), the entire planet, and all of the species that live on it, could see catastrophic results.  The weather is already changing, making it difficult to raise the crops they are used to farming, and each year some crops are a total loss.  Regardless of your political views, something has to change, and people like him are willing to do what ever it takes to increase public awareness.

  5. I think liberals love money more than anybody, plus they always give less to charity than everyone else.  His personal wealth has increased by leaps and bounds since the global warming hoax started and he just doesn't want it to end.

  6. Because Argus did not prove the concept of AGW or GW.

    He knows he's on the losing end now...  Drew the shortest stick...

    And I'm laughing...

  7. British environmental analyst Christopher Monckton says Al Gore’s latest attack on global warming skeptics shows the former vice president and other climate alarmists are “panicking.” Lord Christopher Monckton, a policy advisor for former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher during the 1980s, says the former vice president can enjoy his “flat earth fantasies” for a few months, but in the end, the world will be laughing at him.

    “The alarmists are alarmed, the panic mongers are panicking, the scare mongers are scared; the Gores are gored. Why? Because global warming stopped ten years ago; it hasn’t got warmer since 1998,” he points out. “And in fact in the last seven years, there has been a downturn in global temperatures equivalent on average to about [or] very close to one degree Fahrenheit per decade. We’re actually in a period of global cooling.”

    Monckton contends Gore is now “panicking” because he has staked his reputation as a former American VP on “telling the world that we’re all doomed unless we shut down 90 percent of the Western economies.” He also contends that Gore is the largest “global-warming profiteer.”

    Gore’s group The Alliance for Climate Protection is currently launching a new $300 million ad campaign that demands reforms in environmental law to help reduce the supposed “climate crisis.” But Monckton points out that in the U.K., Gore is not allowed to speak in public about his “green investment company” because to do so would violate racketeering laws by “peddling a false prospectus.” He says that fact came about after a British high court found Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, riddled with errors. Monckton challenged Gore to an internationally televised debate on climate change last year"

  8. To make more money and to appear relevant. An award is worhtl ess and in fact a joke if it is discovered that it was based on a lie.

  9. Why don't you ask him if it is a concern to you?

  10. When you refuse or your gurus refuse to debate the issue the only thing left is to throw money at it and hope it works. h**l, if Al paid me 60 thousand a year I would go around and tell people they are doomed.

    Money talks regardless of the truth. Suckers paid for this anyhow, 20 grand a G/W speech and nobody could ask questions after the speeches. Hm mm Why not?

  11. b/c, he really cares!

    i know, it's almost impossible to believe that someone would actually do that, but he really doesn't want humans to cease to exist

    have you ever watched an Incovenient Truth? i know, it's hard to accept, but it's true. it's like the ozone problem and cfc's

    humans really can have an impact. but we have to act now. if our CO2 emissions reach a certain point global warming is irreversible.

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