
Why would Angel Gabriel choose to deliver the Koran teaching in the cave and dark places rather than a place ?

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where there is light




  1. Was not Jesus, in a cave when he rose back from the dead, is that not your belief.  

  2. The cave was one place but not the only place.  It is a historical habit of Prophets to go in isolation to pray and worship.

    Did not God reveal Himself to Moses on a mount when no one was around?

    Did not Jesus go in the desert and fast alone for 40 days when no one was around?

    Did not Gabriel come to Mary when she was alone and no one was around?

    So you see my friend, what happened to Muhammad (sa) is only further proof that he was a true Prophet as this is the tradition of how God reveals to His beloveds throughout history.

    love for all, hatred for none

  3. first of all, Angel Gabriel didn't choose it. God/Allah did. Second, coz the Koran is supposed to help you get out of the dark and it lights your path. He meant it quite literally, too.  

  4. Why would Jesus (if he was God) pick somebody like paul who use to persecute Jews and early Christians as a apostle and messenger?

  5. Maybe bcoz the darkness refers to evils that were prevailing then,and Quran came as a light to their hearts...

  6. Goes to prove that old uncle mohommad made up all this c**p called islam

  7. The Quran was revealed in many different situations and places over a period of 23 years.  Perhaps your misconception arises from the fact that the first revelation occured in the cave of Hira.  

  8. But Quran was revealed in the presence of many people at times.

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