
Why would Atheists hang out in a Religion & Spirituality room? Kind of a waste of time eh?

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Why would Atheists hang out in a Religion & Spirituality room? Kind of a waste of time eh?




  1. How would you know?

    Are you a 'christian'???

  2. They enjoy Christian-bashing. =(

  3. Considering that a religious room is for people with religious beliefs, you'd think it would be last place they'd want to be, but oddly enough it's just the opposite.  Oh well. Let em hang with never know what they might learn. It's a great way to minister to people.

  4. just because an atheist isn't religious, doesn't mean they aren't spiritual. I'm an atheist but I'm neither. i have answered many questions in there. believe it or not, a lot of atheist know more about christianity than christians do. and to add, about 45% of the questions asked there are asking why atheists do this or why they do that. so, we feel obliged to answer. and, it gets pretty interesting at times. so, why not. we have every right to  be there just as you have a right to be here. and if you really wanted to get down to it, this question shouldn't be in this section, it should be in the R&S section.

  5. Exactly. I'm an Atheist, but I don't post there often. You don't have to waste your time debating or posting when you don't believe in religion anyways. No one is going to convince an entire religion to change, nor would any religion force an Atheist to believe. You're right, what's the point?  

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