
Why would Cindy McCain lie about being a only child?

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Cindy McCain was not an only child as she claimed at the RNC. She actually has siblings whom her father had. Why would she hide this fact?




  1. you are just slitting hairs here. It's just making a big deal out of a nothing fact. Who cares.

  2. you'll have to give more details and a link to your source before I can respond.  I have no idea what you're talking about.

  3. First of all, because they are not her full siblings, they are a sign of a betrayal in her eyes.  And Obama doesn't hide his Muslim relatives, he just isn't Muslim.  b******s.


  4. She's a Repug, comes with the membership.

  5. Why does Obama hide that he has Muslim relatives?

  6. lol, because Her Sister is voting for Obama so she acts like she doesn't know her.

  7. Maybe because he's an Obama supporter?

  8. I recall in the RNC video something about the parents trying for a daughter, thus Cindy.

  9. One of her sister's is voting for Obama.  Maybe that is it.

  10. She cut them off when their father died. He had been providing for all his children and paying medical and educational expenses and when he died, Cindy ruthlessly cut them off without a dime.

    That's probably why she doesn't want people to know about them.

  11. I don't know, you seem to be the answer man know it all, so fill us in. Who are they and where are they now?

    Her father had them? That must have made some news back in the day.

    She is the only child of HER parents

  12. She thinks it's all about her so she forgot.

  13. Haven't heard of this before, but it is possible that she was not raised WITH these siblings in the same household. That would make for an only child experience, even if you technically were not an only child.

  14. Not only does she have a half sister, the sister is voting for Obama.

    Her  video also neglected to mention the fact that St. McCain was still married when they started dating.  His wife had been faithful to him the entire time he was in the POW camp but was in a car accident during that time and her looks suffered as a consequence.  

  15. Um, because she's a liar??

  16. Maybe she doesn't consider them her siblings because of that fact.

    Maybe it was a misquote.

    Maybe they have some dirt that could make her look bad.

  17. Just because her Father had children with someone else doesn't mean she had siblings. She may not have known them. I am an only child to my father has a daughter that I do not really know so I still consider myself an only child. Lets quit picking apart stupid things.  

  18. she is smokin but her sisters smoke more.

  19. Yes Cindy lied, but when has a Rep cared about lies, propaganda and killings.

  20. they's kinda what republicans do.

  21. Because she was raised as an only child and that's how she thinks of herself.  My sister has two other half siblings, but she does not consider them family because they've not been apart of her life.  She doesn't know them.

  22. She IS the only child her Mother ever had. She was the only child in her family. She does have siblings by a previous marriage. But they never lived with her biological parents.

    If that is the best you have then McCain must be a certain winner. *LOL*  

  23. Because the McCain's are a bunch of liars.

  24. Who gives a d**n?

  25. Why wouldn't she lie is a better question... after all, she IS a republican.

  26. Because she IS the only child of her mother and father's union and she chooses not to recognize this other offspring as a sibling. You have a problem with that?

  27. Obama didn't talk about his other family members. Why is this so important to you and your Democrat friends. You should find more information about things that are happening with your candidate as there are a lot questions about him not answered.  But I don't care because I'm not voting for him.

  28. because she doesnt claim them

  29. Cindy McCain never said that she was an only child?

    Why would you lie about something so easy to check?

  30. she is a pathological liar and is obsessed with lying, just like hillary clinton who even lied about being named after sir edmund hillary (who climbed everest AFTER hillary clinton was born). im sure there was something about her siblings that she didnt want anyone to find out about for some reason they would lie and scheme and do whatever they have to do for political power. its sad.

  31. Have you a source, dear poster?

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