
Why would Congressman Everett (my representative), call Murtha a "cut and run idiot"?

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"Don’t talk to me about defense," Everett, who is retiring at the end of this term, said during a radio interview this week. "Cut-and-run John Murtha is in charge of the appropriations committee for defense and he is certainly no friend of the military.




  1. "Cut and run" is a popular Republican insult thrown when they (commonly) don't have substantive arguments against something that isn't going the way they want it to.

  2. Murtha tried to ride the anti-war wave into a higher committee chairmanship position and Majority Leader.  A Marine, his most notable moment came in the 1980s when he almost got caught in a corruption sting operation.  He is a good example of what is wrong with DC.  People like him and Ted Stevens.  ;)

  3. Murtha is as partisan as they come. Too bad his constituents have never bothered to watch those ABSCAM tapes where he was considering the bribe ("maybe later" I think were his words). What a stand up Liberal.  

  4. because Murtha is as invested in our Defeat as Bin Ladin

  5. “"Cut-and-run John Murtha” .  That’s almost like saying “Hero – John McCain”.

  6. Because he is a moron like you and me.

  7. Because that is what Murtha proposed we do in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  8. Because Everett is another stupid GOP southerner who  barks when he speaks.

  9.   I certainly would prefer to see Murtha hanging up his spurs than Everett.

    Murtha contributes very little to national defense mainly because he is a  a consensus style democrat which means he's not able to think on his own accord, he needs Pelosi or Reid to move him along !


  11. I wouldn't call ABSCAM John Murtha an idiot. Traitor is the only word that describes him in my mind. But, if Mr Everett says idiot, who am I to question. After all, he had to listen to his c**p day in and day out for years. All I ever had to do is watch the video of him arranging for bribes by radical muslims.  

  12. how sad you have such a withered old moron for your congressman

  13. Hes a bigger phony than Kerry, read his record.

  14. He was trying to be politically correct and not say what he knew would violate the FCC regulations on profanity.

    Polosi, Murtha, Reid, etc.....are walking a fine line between being either outspoken critics of the administration's policies or outright traitors, in my book.

  15. Because he's an attack dog Republican who misrepresents the truth. He said Murtha left the service 40 years ago, but the simple fact is, Murtha was in the reserves for many years

    Frankly, I think your district will be better off without this guy - his kind of politics is dying.

  16. I understand Martha now    Young Queen,

    He wants to build up the military with more submarines and

    new heavy tanks,

    He is concerned about a future war with China or Russia,

    I don't me the what's happening with Georgia,

    We were to get 800 F-22, and 128 B-2 bombers,

    In this view he is a good man,  

  17. Murtha is a sleaze ball like all the dems , more concerned with their return to power than thay are concerned with the success of the nation.

  18. Why???  For Accuracies sake?

  19. John Murtha is a joke at my VFW.  We put his picture at the bottom of the mens latrine.  When we have to use the facilities we refer to it as having to take a "Murtha".  The man like Kerry is a bogus "war hero".  He was a reserve Intel officer in Nam (Battalion Staff Officer).  Code for "in the rear with the gear".  The purple heart he claimed required no med evac.  The man is a joke.

    USMC 2nd Bat 9th Marines RVN 67-68

  20. Because he is just that? And a back-stabbing, slandering moron to boot..

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