
Why would George W. Bush buy land in Paraguay?

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  1. My guess is that he might be thinking there are resources there, like Oil and he is looking at it like an investment.   But who really knows.....

    Maybe I should look into it too, but that's pretty old news (couple of years ago), so maybe it is too late.

  2. He's looking for a place to hide.

  3. He got a good price on it.

  4. Why not? Countries by the rights to other countries land all the time. The u.s has sold land to other countries as well. In fact technically we own part of Normandy beach in france, the soil our embassies are built on, and the area our military bases are built on.

  5. because he is retarded

  6. Pres Bush is an oil man.  Maybe he is wild-catting.

  7. He finally realized he's messed up the US so bad that he wants to leave after he's done being President.

  8. i dont want to be ruled by an angry black muslim president either.  

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