
Why would God create or allow people to be mentally ill?

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Like a schizophrenic or bipolar? Why would he allow one to suffer such illnesses against their will to the point that they have no competence to choose to serve him much less live at all.




  1. God did not create people to be perfection.....besides, how could people like you feel suporior if you didnt have someone to put down?

  2. If I were Christian, I might say that God has some sort of mystical, Dumbledore-ish plan in mind for them that won't be revealed until the whole word is good and gone. And perhaps I wouldn't say it so sarcastically.

    But honestly, I don't think God allowed for it to happen. (I hope not anyway... he'd be a bit of a jerk than.) Those unfortunate people just honestly have something a little wrong in their head, just like how some people have green eyes.

  3. I have a family member who is bipolar. She's a Christian and goes to church. We are not supposed to question God about why or how He does things.

  4. that's the result of bad genetics, not b/c of God.

    stop blaming him for everything

  5. Does not his holy word to his peoples say, "I will create man in my image." Now you know where insanity comes from.

  6. That's where he draws the majority of his fan club from  

  7. Because he loved me best.  I'm both according the doctors.  I'm very happy. I'm very close to God.

  8. The obvious has escaped you.

    There is no God, therefore these peoples afflictions are purely the result of chromosomal abnormalities. It's medically based , not religiously based

  9. because it is a sick sad world we live in. If it is a direct result of god then that makes him one sick b*****d. I prefer to think that it is through genetics and pure bad luck (or good luck depending on how you want to look at it)

  10. Perhaps God is not omnipotent or maybe it is some kind of twisted test. Although,religiously their suffering is not eternal but their life in heaven is and that is the one that really matters.  

  11. The same reason we have an appendix and a spinal chord that's 'made' to be in an arch position and not erect.

  12. The same reason he allows people to die and suffer.

    There is a BIG difference between allowing som something to happen and causing it. It hurts him everyday. Imagine our hurt 10 billion times over?!

    He is seeing who will stick by him and follow Jesus and who will not. It is kinda a test, but he does really do it because he loves us =)

  13. Don't blame Jesus for this he has nothing to do with sickness that is caused by evil that man created.

  14. god is an mean

    dont believe me???

    read the old testament...

  15. ....i dont think god "makes you"

    thats idiotic.

    he made the first people

    (and no i dont think he got pissed because some hungry hoe ate from a tree)

    and then thats it.

    then when you die if your a good person then hello heaven

  16. What's the simplest explanation? The very simplest?

    Here's a hint: we're on our own and nothing happens for a reason. No one's in charge and sometimes that's the way the cookie crumbles.

  17. I don't know that any person has the absolute answer for this.  But perhaps ( it has been true in my experience) it is to teach the rest of us mercy and compassion.

    I strongly disagree with you on the no will to live at all.  Also, from personal experience, I have witnessed the 'retarded' accept life on its terms with far more grace and dignity than the most of us do.

  18. I'm bipolar and I'm a Christian. Everyone has some kind of problem, it's just whether you'll let it control you or not.

    There were several times in my life where I thought I couldn't handle it. It was through those challenges that made me realize that it doesn't matter what pain I suffer, because it's all about God. I believe that our lives were meant to glorify God. Pain in our lives mean nothing. It's all about God. Everything else is secondary.

  19. he granted them a special task.  Do you know how many people discriminate against handicapped people in many ways.  Now imagine that into the life of that person someone that they care about become handicapped.  That is what it is about.  The change in the person from a person who discriminates to a person who cares.  

    It makes the world a better place in the long run.

  20. God did not create any one mentally Ill

    Gene's mutate that happens at birth that cause deformities.

    God does not just wipe some one out because they were born with mental disabilities. People develop mental disorders because of extreme things that they go through if not born that way.

  21. I don't view mental illness as being especially different from any other serious illness, and I think if society adapted more appropriately to it, we wouldn't see it cause the harm it does.

    But if you consider treatment today, as compared to even 50 years ago, prognoses are much better and there are many more treatment options.

    Depending on the severity of the illness, along with other factors, people can live quite normal lives.  I don't think you should just write them off.

  22. He wanted some one to talk to him regularly.

  23. For the same reason he allowed Eve to eat off that one tree.  its all part of the story.

  24. Not God but evil spirits!

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