
Why would Hillary Clinton be supporting O-b-a-m-a after he used her and the Clintons to get ahead?

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Why would Hillary Clinton be supporting O-b-a-m-a after he used her and the Clintons to get ahead?




  1. I'd assume because she agrees more with Obama than with McCain?

  2. I don't think she dislikes him. She just really wanted to be the one. She has never wanted anything more. As she recovers from the disappointment, she feels loyalty to the Democrats. After all the GOP as been most unkind to her.

  3. I would vote Mc Cain as Mc Cain is more of a comfortable person in manner and american issue's.Clinton gave up to easy because clinton should have fought on.David

  4. It's about promoting diversity.

    Hey! Who thumbed me?

  5. politicians suck

  6. HA HA HA was that before or after her 10 million dollar debt?

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