
Why would Hillary think the American voter would even consider another Clinton, in the White house?

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The Clinton's made a circus out of the White House, Bill was a slob, chasing skirt tails, she is rude, bad mouthed everyone from the SS to the cooks and staff. When they got there, the two were acting as if they had won the lotto.

The American voter is not going to put up with their c**p.




  1. How they treat the staff in the White House should be of little concern to the american public unless its criminal activity. How the country is run is whats important. When it comes to Hillary, I just don't think america is truly ready for a female to run the country. Lets take the emotional factor we have recently been witness to. A country needs to be run by a person who can be strong in the face of adversity. Imagine another 9/11 incident. Strength is needed at a time like that. She'd probably begin to cry. And we can't have somebody that emotional running this nation which prides itself on strength.

    So, like I said, who cares how they treat the white house staff.

  2. I would put up with her c**p. At least her c**p smells better then George Bush c**p.

  3. Because Hubby was a great president...the first "black" president".  :-)

  4. Why?

    Well for one, The American people elected another Bush now didn't they?  Daddy Bush stopped the troops from going into Baghdad (politics running the military) so we elect his son to Fix it the mess daddy got us into with Saddam.

    Yeah, he fixed it alright..

  5. Her arrogance and the liberal press. Luckily this time the voters are a little more leary.

  6. Just look at the alternatives. But I guess you can't see thru all that bias!

  7. Eh, another Clinton is ok..

    Just not either of these two!

  8. Her *public* expressions are for the so-called "American voter", but she's hoping her friends in the press label her as the "comeback kid" by February 5th (Super Tuesday).

    Then, she can hope for a 3rd party candidate (like Michael Bloomberg) to play the "Ross Perot 1992" part, split the vote, and win the Presidency with less than 50% of the vote.

  9. Like her or not... She would be a good president and is one of the most qualified candidates.

  10. it is the democratics thought that her being a woman would out weigh her last name

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