
Why would I be advised to wear runners in the water at Victorian beaches?

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I will be down there ain a couple of weeks (in melbounre) and I was told that if I was to go into the water at a beach, that I should wear runners...





  1. wearing runners will protect you a little from used syringes that get washed into the bay ....and from broken glass and nasty little critters also ....

    It's bloody freezing down here at the minute... Not sure if you'll be venturing into the water .. unless it is in a heated pool.

  2. To avoid standing on syringes most likely

  3. You don't. Probably because of recent incidents with sting-rays and AFL footballers. Your chance of standing on a sting-ray are very, very small. It is bloody cold though.

  4. jellyfish

  5. idk i dont wear shoes lol

  6. It's Winter here at present, probably too cold for going in the water at Victorian beaches.

    Runners were probably advised to avoid stepping on jellyfish/stingrays/blue ringed octopus (very small, very poisonous)

    Some beaches have discarded syringes on/in the sand ~ wouldn't want to step on any of those nasties...

    Great Victorian beaches ~ Eastern Vic ~ 90 mile beach.

    Western Vic. ~ Torquay/Jan Juc,

    Bells Beach (a lot of surfing tournaments held at Bells beach)

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