
Why would I have a vitamin D deficiency?

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I am of mediteranean decent does that have something to do with it? I have a fairly good diet. What are some of the symptoms that this causes? What is the best way to treat? I hate taking pills!!




  1. Hi Sally,

    You could have a vit. D deficiency due to too little sun exposure or inadequate levels in your diet.  It is quite common I hear now-a-days.  You can treat it by taking vit. D3 supplements.  I am assuming you have had your level checked by a blood test.  If not ask your doctor for the test 25(OH)D also called 25-hydroxyvitamin D.  This information is from the website and he has more information about Vitamin D and symptoms of deficiency.  Investigate it, it is a very good source of information.



  2. Vitamin D comes from the sun.  Since these days we are all warned against skin cancer, some ppl are spending less time in the sun and not getting enough.  Vitamin D fortified milk is a good way to get it and that gives you calcium too.  That may not be enough though and you have to take the supplements.  It often depends on the climate you live in, not the race you are.

  3. You should discuss this with your physician.  He/she can give you all the information and assistance that you need.

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