
Why would Iran want to attack Israel?

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What are the reasons for that? Would it be because of the difference in religion?

And also, why does that US want to stop Iran from the nuclear research that they are doing. Why does it seem that only the US, Israel and the UK can have nuclear weapons? To be honest, i'd prefer if none of them had it, but why only those "good" countries?

In case of a war between the US and Iran, i'd hope that Iran wins so that we can stop that monster with too much power, the monster which we call United States!




  1. Iran doesn't want  attack Israel, they have no reason to attack Israel, and there are excellent reasons for them not to attack Israel. Iran hasn't attacked another country since the nineteenth century. The "Iran wants to destroy Israel" propaganda is just that, propaganda. It's Israel and the USA that have repeatedly called for attacks on Iran, and Israel and the US have attacked other countries dozens of times in the past few decades.

    Yes, their stance on Ian's nuclear program is world class hypocrisy. Even if Ian did get a few fifties era's nukes, they would present zero threat to Israel and the USA, which have thousands of modern accurate nuclear weapons between them. They would however be able to defend themselves against a US/Israeli attack with nukes, which the US and Israel are desperate to prevent. It's much harder to bully and push around countries with nukes, and Israel has been lord of the Middle East for so long they don't know any other way to deal with their neighbours.

  2. Why don't you move and live where your allegiance is. Obviously, you hate all your freedoms! How sad.

  3. I would sooner trust US (with all the faults) with all the N weapons than the likes of Sadaam, Ahmedinajad, Gaddafi, Musharraf , Asad,Saudies, etc.

    US and any non Muslim country has never talked about wiping off any nation from earth. Only Muslims do that.

  4. It's just blind hatred. Muslims seem to be a very hateful people. Hateful people cannot be trusted with dangerous weapons which they would use in the name of God. And to be fair, we wouldn't want the early Christians to have nuclear weapons either.

    Your last sentence proves my point.

  5. Yes, religion. Some countries are stuck on race and religion and will start wars because of it.

    The reason Iran is not a "good" country is pretty obvious. I mean, for one thing they publicly said they want to wipe Israel off the map. HELLO!!! You want a country that would say such a thing, especially in public, to be nuclear capable?! I don't know where you live, but I sure hope it's not in the US. If it is, then get the h**l out and go back to Iran, which you seem to love so much.

  6. Patrick,

    Thanks for your question which shows how much love & respect you have for humanity, these people who are answering here are all, who sees only one side of the coin, nobody sees how many innocent people, kids have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq in the name of weapons of mass destruction, which nobody has found till date,

    I'm not supporting any community here, I just wanted to know why or what makes someone to tie a bomb on his stomach and blew it up, why are they taking revenge from US soldeirs, or what kind of fight US soldiers are fighting, and the answer is ...........Those people have seen bombs falling from US airplanes on their homes, they have seen the dead bodies of their parents, babies, daughters and sons.

    I dont wanna argue on the point that who or which country should keep the nuclear weapons, but yes we should also not forget the children of HIROSHIMA, who are still not able to walk, breathe properly.

    Its a beautiful world created by god, let us live with peace, if nuclear bomb explode due to some technical error in the manufacturers country, lol , who will take the blame on it.

  7. If the United States is such a monster, why do we have millions of illegal aliens sneaking into our country every year?????? Not to mention the million legal immigrants that come here every year. It seems to me that if the US was such a monster as you put it, no one would want to come here. If the US was such a monster, wouldn't millions of people be leaving every year?

    Are there millions of illegal aliens sneaking into Iran every year? What about legal immigration into Iran? Millions?

    Maybe there are millions of people trying to get into North Korea also. Or Syria. Or Lebanon. Or Egypt.

  8. Yes, because of the difference in religion.

  9. India has asked "all concerned governments", the US and Israel included, to exercise restraint, and to choose negotiations and diplomacy over use of military force against Iran.

    Looks like Opposition by government started already.

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