
Why would Jake White be worried about injuries to a couple of his backs.?

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I read of his concern,but can`t understand why, he can`t just select 15...,18 stone forwards,( one,being a goalkicker and one ,that can kick drop goals )..... they would suit his game plan much better.




  1. Yeah good call - RSA seem to not have moved forward in their game plan - some approach for the last fifty years or more  - BMF forwards - thump bang bash crash - slow, boring to watch and is not really going to make any one excited enough to want to start playing the game.

    That is surely what the WC is all about - showcasing the game on the world stage.

  2. You can win the RWC with a good pack and a genius at flyhalf ala England 2003. Jake has a good pack and half-dud flyhalves. He has to rely on the skills of the few semi-skilled back-line players in the team. The best and most creative of this bunch is Jean de Villiers. Hence the worries.

  3. That might suit his game plan on offence... but I think the last thing you want is Dan Carter, Joe Rokocoko, Stephen Larkham, Stirling Mortlock, Mils Muliaiina and the like, running at Os DuRandt in an open field situation.  No doubt the opposite is true, but 50% of the game is defence.

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