
Why would McCain ask someone to be his VP that he's only met twice?

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  1. We have Oil Reserves in Alaska. McCain wants to drill for Oil so he told Palin that she could be VP if we could drill there. Think about it.

  2. That's why his decisions have to questioned.My husband has dementia, and that's just the stupid tung he would do.

  3. because he did a private and very personal interview with her if you know what I mean.

  4. Maybe the Republican Party Bosses

    Picked her.

    You know .............

    Bush, Cheney,Rove etc etc etc.

  5. Well here's our local news right here in downtown Wasilla.

    Alaska State Senate President Lyda Green (R): “She’s not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president? Look at what she’s done to this state. What would she do to the nation?”  (Green is from Palin’s home town of Wasilla.)

    Alaska House Speaker John Harris (R): “She’s old enough. She’s a U.S. citizen.”

    Alaska Democratic Party Chair Patti Higgins:  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœIn this very competitive election for them to go pick somebody who is … under a cloud of suspicion, who is under investigation for abuse of power. It just sounds like a pretty slow start to me.  We need a vice president who can step in if, God forbid, something happened to John McCain.  I don’t think she’s someone who is ready for that 3 a.m. phone call.”

    Alaska State Representative Mike Doogan (D): “Either Sarah Palin has talents and skills we were not aware of”, or “John McCain fell down and hit his head”.  He also called the prospect of Palin potentially needing to take over as President”pretty scary.”

    And this from a sweet little Independent person  (over 50% of Alaskan voters are Independant or registered non-partisan) who said she was stunned by the announcement and added, “But she’s not qualified!” She also said that she didn’t remember Palin standing up against the Bridge to Nowhere.

  6. Wow Bridget D somebody didn't remember something.  Presidential candidates have a group called a vetting committee so as to make their choice of the VP candidate easier.  The candidates are not allowed to state weather they are vetted.  Notice that when potential picks are asked they are not under oath when they say they are not interested or not being considered.  They sometimes may not even know in the beginning considered.

  7. To get the women vote.

    The 18 million Hillary supporters that were let down when Obama did not pick her as VP.

  8. Because he can't keep his eyes off her.

  9. Between you and me. I think she's probably really, really qualified. You don't have to know someone all of your life to believe in them. And I'm sure John McCain, thought about this long and hard. He wanted to make a difference in this election, and he made the right choice.

  10. He is not going to marry her, he is going to work with her. He is not going to be by her side 24/7. he hired her for her record of being a Maverick like himself, she is rather a clean candidate. She didnt say anything bad about him that the Democrats can air against him.

    Dont hire friends, or family I believe is the motto.

    Do you think Obama has been sleeping with Biden? He probably shook hands with the man a couple of times.

  11. His 'brave' choice was picked for him by numbers crunchers

  12. Because he's in his early stages of dementia, it happens with the elderly from time to time.

  13. I'll bet Rove's people have met her. In fact, the top google search going on right now is to look for Rove connections and visits with her (as well as CFR connections)

  14. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out , Mccain picked her because she's a woman , the old man is suffering from schizophrenia and seems to think Hillary supporters are mentally retarded to fall for that .

  15. Lots of people work with other people that they don't even know also.  She has a good track record and I'm sure that was the first thing that was appealing to him.  I'm sure they also talked on the phone a lot.  I think it was a great choice.

  16. I don't know, that is a good question!

    But let McCain's VP had been a man with Palin's same views!

    He would have never been chosen!

  17. My theory is that McCain's campaign has access to some numbers that we're not seeing, possibly private polling, which suggested that there was a massive dent in Sen. Obama's armor, that he was underperforming with woman and particularly former Hillary Clinton supporters, this must be relatively recent data, which caused McCain's team to see an opening, throw away the original all male shortlist of Gov. Romney, Gov. Pawlenty, Sec. Ridge, and Sen. Lieberman, and caused him to suddenly pivot and go with Palin. You did notice Palin's painfully obvious reference to Hillary Clinton at the unveiling event, the line that they could break the glass ceiling that Hillary Clinton often spoke of by electing Mrs. Palin Vice President.  

  18. Because "meeting" someone more than twice isn't the method for knowing whether or not they are equipped to be V.P. They aren't dating. So there is no need to meet more than a couple times. There is need to investigate the person and their credentials. To make sure the are in line with your own beliefs. Tell me, outside of what they look like in person, what exactly does meeting someone do? Most job interviews only require 1 or 2 meeting's. How is this any different?. Why make a big deal about nothing when you guys claim to have so much to beat us with. Doesn't it p**s you off that your lame party can't even secure this election when you claim the Republican brand is so unpopular. Says something to me as to how weak and pathetic the Democratic Party is. Glad to be a "former" member.

  19. Because he thinks she's a good running mate.

    Why did Obama choose a running mate that said to his face on television that he wasn't ready to be the President, and later said that, as the first articulate black man, Obama was a storybook?

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