
Why would McCain choose someone with this much baggage?

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It questions his ability to make decisions, doesn't it? Maybe that is why Bush ( nor Cheney- no reason for him not to go) didn't want to go to te convention.




  1. Cause that's all they got.

    Palin ain't no Hillary!

  2. Because biden was already taken.

  3. OMG!   Do you know anyone without baggage? How freaking naive a question? Why not focus on all that Sarah Palin has accomplished in her young 44 years, she is brilliant and innovative!

  4. Sarah Palin wasn't McCain's 'choice'.

    She was foisted on him by the GOP.

    Namely - Karl Rove.

  5. Stunningly stupid on McCain's part. They did NOT fully vet this woman. They did not even speak to her next door neighbors. Says alot about McCain, huh? He has only himself to blame

  6. I think she's a great choice.

  7. Why not?  She was probably the most qualified Bible thumper he could find.

  8. Well be fair, he is vetting her *now*!

  9. and obama had no baggage what so ever.(right)

    they all have baggage in one way or another ,

    I don't believe it will interfere with her job as vice president.

  10. I didn't realize he chose Hillary for VP?

    You did say "baggage," didn't you?

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