
Why would McCain pick Palin as VP considering he's one bad cold away from kicking it?

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I'm a Hill supporter and could care less about an unaccomplished woman making it into office. Thats an insult.

What was that old f**t thinking? A woman..grass roots...please.

He has just isolated himself from the entire Jew vote..the g*y vote and now the insulted Hill supporters.

Good luck conservative christian nutcases.




  1. He wants around so she's available should he want to have an affair while married to cindy?

  2. She's a gal I'd like to have a beer with. Now that would be a great VP,


  3. i know she is a great pick when the liberals start with the age c**p.

  4. Who is Hill?

  5. As to why McCain ( McCrazy) would panderingly pick an unqualified woman for VP who may very well become President along with her Hubby, a PR  man from Exxon, I don't know. maybe for the same reason that he actually chanted Bomb, bomb, bomb ..bomb.bomb Iran in a speech i.e. he is senile.  But I think the American people are not  dimwits as some of the folks defending this pick are , and will be rightfully concerned about her qualifications.  To compare this bimbo bathing beauty who will hopefully end up doing no more than smiling, greeting foreign dignitaries and sharing cookie recipes with the soccer Mom's of the nation, to Obama's is totally absurd.  She is no Hillary Clinton  and Hillary will clean her clock in 2012.

  6. Because she's not really going to step in when that happens. The bureaucrats won't let that be. They will conveniently whisk her away, with some ailment or other, or give us a story about how she decided she's more needed at home and in her position as governor.

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