
Why would McCain try to play the noun,verb, POW card then...?

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pit his foreign policy experienceless little Alaskan beauty runner up with a true foreign policy bulldog- joe Biden?

Is he *trying* to lose this election? how will Palin go toe to toe on foreign policy with joe Biden?




  1. Grampy is senile and grabbing at straws.  You know how when you go to the nursing home to visit your great grandpa and he is always grabbing at the young nurses, McCain is at that stage now.

  2. It's pretty ridiculous.  Presidential scholars are saying she's the least experienced candidate on a major party ticket in the modern era.;...

    The reasoning seems to be that McCain didn't think he could win with a 'safe' pick, he had to shake things up, and take a risk in doing so.  Of course, there are smart risks, and then there are stupid risks.  Choosing an incredibly inexperienced VP is a stupid risk.

    McCain isn't trying to lose, he just has poor judgement.

    Biden will destroy Palin in the VP debate.  The only thing he has to worry about is whooping her so much that people feel sorry for her.

  3. I can't believe that McCain picked her. Repubs are delusional if they think that any Democrats are threatened by his choice, I was ecstatic yesterday when I heard the news. He pretty much handed the Presidency to Obama.

    Hillary supporters aren't jumping ship, don't be fooled by right wingers flooding message boards with cut & paste posts about how they're now voting McCain. Palin's views on the issues are OPPOSITE of Clinton's. Most Clinton supports I've heard from are insulted at this choice, if they were considering voting McCain, they sure as h**l aren't now.

    My grandparents are lifelong Republicans and are shocked by his lack of judgment on this pick, he only met her ONCE before picking her- they said last night at dinner than they're not even going to vote.

    Joe Biden is going to eat her alive in the debates, I can't wait! It's a GREAT time to be a Democrat!

  4. Let's hope between Obama's popularity and Biden's skills that it's a landslide.  

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