
Why would Mexicans protest the Jose Medellin execution

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MEXICO CITY — The U.S. embassy in Mexico is warning Americans of possible protests next week when a Mexican man is scheduled to be executed in Texas.

In a public statement the embassy says it has received information that protests may occur next Tuesday, when Jose Medellin is scheduled to die. It urged Americans to avoid the protests.

The embassy says activists in Mexico could use the demonstrations “to incite anti-U.S. sentiment in general.”

The Friday statement noted that even peaceful demonstrations “can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence.”

Medellin has been sentenced to die for his participation in the 1993 gang rape and beating deaths of two Houston girls aged 14 and 16.

Why do Mexicans hold Jose Medellin in such high regard and forget about these two young girls ?




  1. I hope they do protest, and I hope it is widely televised, so that the bleeding hearts in this country get a chance to see what kind of people they are bending over backwards for.

  2. Because they're heartless when it comes to other people,they don't care what their citizen did,they stick up for their own even if their own are child killers. It makes no difference to them that 2 little girls suffered and died.

  3. it's not mexicans, it's left-wing kooks who just happen to be mexican.  In addition to other left-wing kooks who just happen to be white, or black, or whatever other race you can think of.

  4. Your question seems 2 parted: "Why should Mexicans protest the execution of Medellin" and "Why do Mexicans hold Medellin in such high regard"

    Part 1:

    While my reference is older, it is still the main reasoning:  Mexico does not have a death penalty.

    I will try to keep emotions and personal beliefs out of the answer of this question - which is very difficult.

    Mexico does not have a death penalty, even for the same crime - so this is the point of contention.  Additionally, this is why people flea the US to Mexico to escape the death penalty (Mexico will not extradite someone back to the US if they would be subjected to the death penalty).

    Of course, the argument is that they commited the crime in the US, so they are subjected to the US laws.  This would be like living in a place where the drinking age is 18 then as someone between 18 and 21 going to a place where the drinking age is 21 with a $500 fine for underage drinking, and trying to argue that there is no punishment for me drinking where I am from.  I think (again trying to stay away from being opinionated) anyone would agree that you would be subjected to the fine because it was a crime where you did it.

    One of the issues that seems to be at the forefront is "due process"  - that of allowing a Mexican National to speak to their embassy for representation.

    If an American traveled to Mexico, and was arrested for any crime - that American should be afforded the right to speak with the US Embassay.

    The real issue is "Due Process" which is just like all Amercians (and people in American legally or not) have the right to a "Fair Trial" - otherwise there is a cause for an appeal.  This does not change the circumstances of the crime, it is just a process technicality.

    Part 2:

    It seems there is an assertion on your part that the Mexican's are holding Medellin in high regard.  I reference an article in a Mexican news paper (translate with an online translator if needed) that tells "their side of the story."  It appears that Amnesty International of Mexico has a ruling from an International Justice Court regarding requiring the US to revise the judicial process as established in the Vienia Convention of 1963.  There is mention of 5 Mexican nationals (specifically Medellin) that are sentenced to death - no mention of the crime.

    In summary, the issue is not about Medellin, and crimes or victims - the issue is about the death penality and American judicial process with foreign nationals.

  5. I'm not sure, I live in Houston, I remember the crime. It was brutal, those girls were raped repeatedly over several hours before being beaten to death, you'd think for a crime as horrendous as this one was even Mexico would agree to let justice take it's course.

    The state of Texas is going to fry him anyway, not too concerned with Mexico's opinion on this one.

  6. Because it's a part of the Plan of San Diego

  7. The protest is that he was not informed that he could apply for help from the Mexican embassy, as a citizen of Mexico arrested in USA. Of course, i understand he was here without legal papers since he was 3. He is here for 16 years and when convicted, he is suddenly clinging to his Mexican citizenship? Baahhh!

  8. First, you don't know why people are protesting the execution. Just because "there's word about a protest", doesn't mean that they are doing it because "they hold Jose Medellin in such high regard"........that's pure assumption. I feel really sorry for the families of those girls, but the US would do the same thing if an American was planned to be executed in another country.

  9. because he's Mexican, if he was any other nationality or race, they would demand the death penalty.

  10. They can protest all they want, Texas has already said this punk is being executed. Medellin just highlights another serious problem overtaking this country that of violent illegal aliens in our criminal justice system.

  11. I don't think they will protest. It doesn't matter what race Jose Medellin is.. I think they realize when someone commits such an awful crime that there is a consequence. I don't see why they would care if he was executed.

  12. ok if some one take a innocent life or participate they should doesn't matter what color or race u are.  

  13. Anything Mexico can do to make the US look bad is in their interest. The more pressure on the US From all angles limits what the US will do about Mexico's #2 import - money from illegal immigrants.

  14. Mexicans are hard people to figure out

    they seem to take great joy in thwarting any attempt by American authorities to bring Mexican criminals to justice

    figures though -  look at their country

    its a big joke     totally corrupt

  15. I don't know. I disagree with a possible protest and I'm mexican. Mostly it has to do with the fact that some international council decided that Medellin should be deported and the U.S. didn't yield to that decision...but what the hey? He's a criminal regardless of his race or nationality and he should be punished...In my opinion as a mexican citizen he should face the consequences of his actions, It makes no sense to protest, and to be honest I don't think there will be many protesters if any

  16. if there is any protest it will be due to the hypocrisy of the American policies which in one side did not gave Medellin the right to contact his embassy and in other ask for their own people in IRAQ to be judged according to American laws if convicted of any crimes .

    EDIT : to the poster if it was for me he would get beaten to death not death by lethal injection or anything painless , still the USA government should had contacted the Mexican embassy as the USA government would require in case a citizen of its own was about to be executed in another country .

  17. they want to hire him as a Police Chief in a border town.

  18. They want to change our laws ... the way Mexico runs their country ... They want the USA to become mexico' new world... So they have to get laws that will let them do as they please ... People like this Medellin are the gangs that will be moving in to the USA ........ we most stop them now before they become to many and over power other law-inforcement .....

      America first than worry about the Mexican rights .....  

  19. I don't Know.ask someone eles.

  20. Hi I am Mexican and let me clarify something.. Mexicans are NOT protesting the execution, in fact newspapers and blogs are full of comments where the people ask why the government is defending that criminal, they are very angry their taxes are wasted on death row criminals instead of more important things for us, an overwhelming majority think Jose Medellin deserves the death penalty, some even lament the fact there is no death penalty in Mexico and applaud the fact that Texas know how to handle murderers and rapist.

  21. The colonial government usually has to consult with the mother country before sentencing the citizens of the mother country. Mexican government probably just follows international norm in which the 13 millions Mexican colonists in US are not subject to the local colonial jurisdictions.  

  22. I say hang him and then drag his body back across the border ! There should be a protest and that is to be the voice of the American people ! Demanding that these illegal criminal are removed !

    Show mercy no more to this third world illegal garbage !!!!

    Free America of the illegal criminals !

    As for the wall we do not need a wall ? We need to Arm our bourders !!

  23. The american people seem to have a double standard called "Justice for some, Injustice for all"

    His crime was horrific + he should be executed, but what about all the war crimes commited by US Soldiers that go un-reported?

  24. Mexicans are against the death penalty, plus, it's another chance to bash the USA.  Given the frightening conditions in Mexican prisons you'd think they'd be protesting that too.

  25. im so against death penalty but after hearing what he & the other boys did to those girls, they should die.. if your in this country & you commit murder than you should pay for the crime like everyone else

  26. Because that's the way they roll.

  27. Mexicans hate the USA and American citizens. They have quite a tolerance for corruption, and they are extremely loyal to their third-rate country. Medilin is a hero to them, since he murdered the hated Americans. He is a reconquistador, trying to return the USA lands that Mexico lost in the US/Mexican war. Stay out of Mexico until this is over, fellow Americans, and don't drink the water or eat the produce. Only eat cooked food while there.

  28. Well THIS Mexican, thinks hes getting exactly what he deserves.

    I dont think you should talk about one group so broadly.

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