
Why would Obama support THESE kind of....women.. I guess you could say?

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Why would Obama support the kind of women that would take a coat hanger and barbarically rip a fetus out of their womb?

When she could easily go to a shelter for protection, have the baby in secret, and give it to a loving caring family who has yearned for a precious child all of their lives? Then she could stay at any one of the millions oif shelters in our country that protect women from violence from an angry father or boyfriend? And start her life over?

Oh I am sorry if she has a medical condition that could be harmful to her if she gives birth. Maybe she should have thought about the consciquences BEFORE saying "just hurry up, we don't need a condom!" Or she could have just said NO!!




  1. I guess he should only support people who believe exactly what you believe. You're an idiot.  

  2. And what if a 15 year old is raped by her dad and becomes pregnant?

    Does she have to continue with the pregnancy? And have a constant reminder of what is actually in side her?


    AND DO YOU know how many girls are raped and actually become pregnant?

    And who are you and your values to tell me what to do with MY body?

    If you don't like abortions don't do them and don't let your children do them. But there are people out there WHO DO believe they have the right, so you have no right to take an individuals rights away!

  3. Apparently you have no children of your own.  Would you really want your daughter to go through a rape, then traumatize her 9 months longer, by carrying that child, giving birth, and never forgetting that day the rest of her life?

    There is a huge difference between Pro LIfe, and Pro Choice.

  4. We have bigger problems then abortion right now. I am not saying it's not a problem but I think people are forgetting we are at war right now.

    We need a Republican for that.

    Edit: I see you're yelling at everyone who answers lol. If the parent wants an abortion in the first place, then she isn't a good parent. How many million of kids have ruined lives because of bad parents?

    Then there is the couple hundred who actually get adopted.

  5. ehh idk

    bush is doing the same thing isn't he?? sending more troops to iraq?? except he's not killing a fetus..just those who have loved ones waiting for them.

  6.   I have never understood the "silence" from women on this issue. Obama supports and endorses abortion up to "delivery"..................... I may not be religious but this goes against even "human" morals.  Yet, Obama seems to be impervious to ANY criticism, so I have to presume that means these "types" of women support such barbarism.

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