
Why would Palin bring her daughter's boyfreind on the campaign trail.?

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Forget spelling, the issue at hand please




  1. I think they should be at home. NOT in the spotlight IF people are to leave them alone.

    Then WHY don't Bristol and her BF leave the SPOTLIGHT alone.

    Not hide just chill out and get healthy and mentally ready for her baby

  2. Why doesn't a single "pro choice" democrat let her make a choice on how she raises her children?  This repetitive irrelevant attack is just going to p**s off the vast undecided middle.

    obama has figured this out. Why can't you?

  3. It's irresponsible.

    Her daughter and boyfriend deserve as much privacy as possible. Instead, they're going to be trotted out like a couple of happy-go-lucky teenagers.

    The whole thing has been handled poorly and continues to be handled poorly.

  4. what do you care? I'm glad to see the true skunk stripes come out with the Obama n**i's. Why did Obama Bring Rev. Wrights kids out on stage? Was Michelle a stripper and call-girl in collage?

  5. Because they are trying 2 paint this pretty they love each other he is by her side pic.  Plus he I am sure wants his 15 Min's of fame and his book deal down the road.  But he should  stay married cause mama Sarah, will get him fired from whatever gravy job they set him up with.

  6. because if she doesnt Obamas campaign will pull dirt on the poor kid. Let them live there lives it ridiculous how we have to be so nosey

  7. Maybe they are trying to look important so he will marry the daughter.

    I am not sure why any one would do something so incredibly stupid.

    Next they will let her and her boyfriend stay in one of McCain's many houses.

    It does not look like they are using good judgment.

    I am wondering how they conduct their vetting. Do they just call and ask, hey is there anything we should know?

  8. When my daughter married, her husband became my son. Good, bad or indifferent it is about family unity.

  9. No matter how it happened, he is now part of the family.  


  10. I guess you would prefer the children to all be left at home to take care of themselves?

    And a lot of people actually do marry their high school sweetheart.

    Sorry yours ditched you for the prom queen, but that's life.

    And why should we forget spelling? Illiteracy isn't something to be ignored.

  11. These two are engaged and he is going to be family so why not get it all out there.  Why hide as the Democrats will search every where to get the information.

  12. Is the kid in school?  I read an article yesterday where his mother wouldn't answer the question as to whether or not he was even in school anymore.  

    She did say they planned on getting married before they found out about the baby.

    Yeah - like I planned on marrying my high school boyfriend, too.  Didn't everyone?  Pretty naive.

  13. I saw that.  It is a bit odd, hunh?  It's one thing putting your own kids out there but to bring the boyfriend out is a little abusive.  I'm just hoping that the website that posted his Facebook profile is wrong or he's really going to have a hard time.  Terrible idea.

  14. SERIOUSLY! It makes no sense at all.

    The girl and her boyfriend need to be out of the picture entirely, and dealing with their issues and problems privately. It's bad enough that their business is already so out in the open due to Gov. Palin's ravenous political ambition and the McCain campaign's faulty vetting process.

    That said, it just goes to show that the "abstinence only" programs that Palin and McCain support just don't work. Kids will have s*x, and they need s*x information and birth control information. Don't know why it should be a political issue. It just makes sense.

  15. i didn't know Hard Copy was on the air again and running election stories

  16. He is not part of the family until he is married into the family. Having him come along just perpetrates the idea that they are still not married and still having s*x.

    I am not a Dem, and I don't like what message this is saying to our children.

  17. Well there is a simple answer. She loves her daughter and her future son in law. I know these concepts of family are foreign to the secular progressives and they have a hard time understanding that you can love your children and their faults, and treat them with dignity.

    I applaud the next Vice President of the United States Sarah Palin

    Country First

  18. You people are digging.

    Meanwhile, being a member of a racist church, cozying up to terrorists, getting loans from felons, and his wife getting a $200,000 raise after her hospital gets an earmark from Obama is all OK?

    Now you know what we mean by "drinking the koolaid."

  19. Yeah.  A little disengenuous?  She  supposedly knew that the pregnancy thing would get out and was told by the McCain people that her private life would be under tremendous scrutiny.  She chose to be VP anyway.  Then  she announces the boy's name to the world (wonder if he was asked about that).  And instead of just saying her daughter is pregnant - she informs us that the daughter is choosing (something she doesn't want others to be allowed to do) to keep the baby and get married;  an obvious ploy to pander to the fundies.  Now they decide to bring the kid to the convention and still claim they want to leave the kids out of it?

  20. He is part of the family now. What is the big deal.

  21. first of all... "brung"??  what word is that?

    She cares about her daughter and her daughter must have wanted him to be with her at the convention... he is going to the convention. NOT the campaign trail...

    read up on info before talking about it...

    Obama told the media to leave his kids alone, yet they are still with him...

  22. yes, a bit hypocritical to ask the media to ignore them, but then parade them around at the convention in order to create a weird family values sort of vibe.

  23. I thought you ulta-liberals were ok with s*x outside of marriage and flaunting your pregnancy. It so pathetic that so many of Obama's supporters cannot think or reason for themselves. Most who are really off base are serial poster but they are the most stupid.

  24. the presidency is turing into a joke...they think we are stupid  

  25. Because McCain's inept advisors suggested that the world needs to see "baby daddy" for educational reasons.  It's kinda like a twisted religious right Sunday school lesson.

    ALL of these distractions will keep us far removed from the issues.  The right wing has lost a grip on the issues.  Their strongest grasp is on smearing Obama.

    Thank God for the High Road...which Obama walks well!

    "...ahhhhhh! bring the young man out...we need to see him and let's be gentle to the children."  You go, Obama!

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