
Why would Princess Diana wear a seatbelt in a limo?

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I've read some people's ideas that if she'd worn a seatbelt she would've been okay but in her defense, why would she wear a seatbelt in a limo? Honestly most people who ride limos, public transportation, or other extra-large specialty vehicles don't wear seatbelts, they just slide in and our fine (usually).




  1. While a lot of people don't wear seat belts in limos?..I do know of companies where if you are riding in their limo and it is exceeding 25mph then seatbealt you will wear...

    Had she done this...may have saved her...we won't ever know for sure on anything about Princess Diana...and I thought she was the "People's Princess"...very sad and tragic waste of life, as well, as John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s

  2. Because limos wreck just like regular peoples' cars.  The laws of physics, just like the laws of seatbelts, don't discriminate.

    If you're so high-profile that you need a bodyguard, you need to consider attack scenarios involving vehicular sideswipes as prelude to kidnapping or assassination.  Living through the sideswipe would be a good start, eh.

  3. Diana wasn't in a limo, she was in a Mercedes with standard seating.

    Seatbelts can be a problem in public and school busses.  Kids won't stay buckled in, or might be too young to properly operate the belts.  

    An adult in a limo, would be a blithering idiot not to buckle up.  I liked Diana, but she helped contribute to her own death.

  4. if she wasn't a complete dumb ***

  5. Yeah. Even school busses don't have seatbelts (except the "short bus")

  6. idiots, trying to blame Diana for her own death, the bloody Paris paparazzi killed.

  7. If she had worn one she would be alive today,it wasn't a limo.

  8. That would maybe be plausible if she had indeed been riding in a limo. Which she wasn't. Also it's been rumored if that accident would have happened here in the states she would have survived. The size of the vehicle doesn't always equate safety. I'm sure there's a false sense of safety or security in a limo or extra large specialty vehicles. But these vehicles can be severely damaged just like any other vehicle.  But it doesn't excuse not wearing a seat belt in any vehicle. Be it limo, SUV, sedan, or whatever. Without a seat belt you still become a missile and so do the things in your car when your involved in an accident. So buckle up! I've seen them save many lives.

  9. wow...i never thought of that but u are right

  10. wow...u have a point...

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